Salaku 1In our lead up to the 2018 event and alongside the video interviews we've done, we present our first interview with a past competitor from Japan -  Mr Jun Kanda from Nagasaki.   2003 saw the running of the 6th Melbourne to Osaka double-handed event, with 22 boats registering for the race. Of those entered, three were from Japan, one of them being Jun aboard his boat Salaku.  His co-skipper was Sho Takeda and they competed in the Cruiser Group that year.


Tell us firstly  - why did you decide to enter the race?

This was an Ocean Race and running from Melbourne to Osaka and it crossed the equator. Qualifications for the race were not that difficult to obtain and sponsorship to help us with expenses was available .



Tell us about your sailing experience before the race?

Before owning a boat I’d competed in dinghy’s for 3 years, wind surfing for 5 years and surfed for 5 years. Then as an owner/skipper of a 30 foot yacht, I’d competed in local around the buoys races for around 5 years.

2003 M2O 以前のヨット経験及びレース歴を教えてください。


Can you please tell us about Salaku and a little about the preparation that you need to make in order to compete in the race?

To meet race regulations we had to secure equipment for the boat. This is easy to do in Australia but a lot harder to do in Japan. For example HF radio – regulations and installation in Japan is quite complicated and takes time and costs a lot. We had to be innovative when it came to things like this. These days of course with digital technology items like this are not as difficult.


レース規定に従って安全備品、無線設備など多数必要となりました。オーストラリアでは簡単に入手できるものでも、日本では規制が厳しく用意するのが大変だったものもあります。特に日本では無線の規制がきびしく、HF帯無線を搭載しようとすると複雑な手続きと時間、費用が膨大にかかります。費用が膨大にかかるので、これをクリアーする にはあるアイディアが必要でした。現在では衛星携帯電話が普及し、こうした問題にわずらわされることもなくなりました。

Salaku 3

Your story from 2003 is quite unusual as you delayed your start due to some mechanical issues. Can you tell us a little about this please?

Right up until the start we didn’t have any issues but we had engine trouble as we headed for the start. After a delayed start the engine seemed to work but the problem actually came and went throughout the remainder of the race. We were able to continue as we could charge our batteries via our solar panel. When we got to Osaka we found that seawater had somehow worked its way into the cylinder and so we replaced this engine in Osaka. On our way back home to Nagaski the issue reoccurred and so following that we deduced that actually water had probably been getting in all along via the fuel lines. This issue most likely came with the boat as it was 2nd hand.

Apart from this early in the race we burnt out the impeller shaft and started leaking oil. We called into Eden to fix this. When it became light we could see a number of other competitors in Eden as well for one reason or another and this made us fell a bit better. A local mechanic from a fishing company told us that it would take too long to get genuine parts and so he manufactured one himself. His work was a fast and inexpensive and we thank this mechanic a lot for his help back then.






Due to some bad weather that delayed part of the fleet early in the race, you managed to catch them after your delayed start. That must have been a great feeling?

Yes it was great. We were lucky and were pleased that we hadn’t given up at the outset.



What do you remember most about the 2003 race?

We found the Trade Winds up the east coast of Australia and were able to run for about a week. That was a great feeling.

Around Bougainville we had heavy rain and were able to top on a lot of fresh water.

In trying to avoid a typhoon, we went in close to Puluwat in the West Caroline Islands. Another competitor “Louise” had also headed there to shelter and had dropped anchor. We tried to do that as well but due to the coral and little chance of a firm anchorage, we decided against it and kept going. Seeing this, the crew of “Louise” lifted anchor and came after us. Skipper Colin Smith and I became good friends. Its sad he’s no longer with us.

Along the Saipan Coast we caught the current that helped us but and then again near Ogasawara we struck another current working against us. I learnt from this that the sea is not as simple as it may first seem.

Near the Kii Channel close to the Japanese Mainland, the weather changed rapidly and so we prepared the trisail. There were many cargo ships around which made us nervous for this last part of the journey.

For a lot of the trip we could hear a Japanese radio station which had a constant strong signal. Hearing this certainly boosted our moral on the voyage.

Salaku 2

2003年のレースで印象に残っていることを23 教えてください。




するとルイーズも遅れたくないので出て来ました。オーナースキッパーのコリン スミスとはその後親友になりましたが亡くなってしまい残念です。


So you successfully completed the 2003 race and you were back again for the next event in 2007 as co-skipper with Shozi Yoneda aboard Wild Boar. Can you tell us something of your decision to do the race again please?

I actually didn’t want to do the race again however I caved into some persistent requests and became involved again.

そしてあなたは成功裏に2003年のレースを終えて 次の2007年大会にワイルドボアの米田庄次氏のクルーとして再度挑戦したわけですが、あなたにもう一度出場する決意をさせたものは何だったのでしょうか?


What was a memorable thing for you from this second event ?

In a double hand race it certainly helps for both members to have common goals and actually we didn’t have this on that 2nd trip. Thinking about it, perhaps I should have worked harder on this particular item.

2度目のレースで印象に残っていることを12 教えてください。



 Wild BoarThe first event in 1987 had sixty four boats started the race and of those seventeen were Japanese entries. As a contrast, at the last event in 2013 we had only one boat from Japan and so far for 2018 we have one expression of interest from a boat from Osaka. How do think we could encourage more interest in entering the race from Japanese competitors?

Sailing is a lot less popular in Japan than many people think and there’s not many opportunities for Japanese to experience yachting easily. The majority of yacht owners are older and probably retired. There are some exceptions but most boat owners are happy to compete locally. Many boat owners just use their boat for local trips and a lot of skippers just like owning a boat; it's a status symbol for many.

For anyone who has done Ocean Racing – the M2O is easy enough to join as I said earlier and perhaps if this particular point was emphasised then maybe more Japanese would join. Also reorganizing the handicaps in the race would give all type and sizes of yacht a chance to do well and emphasizing this in Japan may attract competitors as well.

1987年の第1回大会では64隻のヨットがスタートラインを切り、そのうち17隻が日本のヨットでした。それとは対照的に前回2013 年には日本から1隻だけの参加でした。そして次回2018年大会には大阪の1隻だけが興味を示しているだけです。どのようなことをすれば、日本の競技者に関心を持ってもらえると思いますか?




Jun Kanda is still a very active skipper and continues to compete in his boat Salaku. He's also a very keen blogger and his blog can be found here. We thank him for his insights into the Melbourne to Osaka event.

神田純氏はサラク号でレースと長崎でさらくヨットスクールを続ける現役バリバリのスキッパーです。彼のブログはこちらから。(    神田氏のM2Oイベントについての貴重な見識に感謝します。

Story preparation by - Jun Kurosaki & Ian MacWilliams