ORCV HomeUpdated: 12/30/2010 1:57:43 PM Back 
2010 Melbourne to Hobart East Coaster
Provisional Results Race 1, Boxing Day Dash held on 12/26/2010
LineHonours results Start : 10:30:00
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper Fin Tim
1 8880 GOLDFINGER Kate Mitchell 15:42:57
2 SM460 XLR8 Ray Shaw 15:51:21
3 SM602 VELOCE Phil Simpfendorfer 15:53:00
4 R3 DREAM CATCHER 3 Greg Snowball 16:01:54
5 SM5985 INSX Robert Sill 17:03:15
6 SM360 WILD SIDE Martin Vaughan 17:09:25
7 B129 SLICE OF HEAVEN Anthony Weeks 17:30:10
8 H538 ESCAPADE Robert Bradley 17:49:15
9 SM1337 INDEPENDENT ENDEAVOU Richard Wall 17:49:51
10 B5262 PRETTY WOMAN Roger Wale 18:37:46

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Results by : TopYacht Software
Ocean Racing Club of Victoria