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2010 Melbourne to Hobart West Coaster
Provisional Results Race 3, King of the Derwent Race held on 2/1/2011
LineHonours results Start : 14:00:00
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper Fin Tim Elapsd
1 B660 GUSTO Brian Pattinson 15:38:21 01:38:21
2 B331 AUDACIOUS Greg Clinnick 15:51:56 01:51:56
3 R1200 SPIRIT OF DOWNUNDER Laurie Ford 15:54:04 01:54:04
4 S16 ADDICTION Richard McGarvie 16:11:59 02:11:59
5 H777 SLINKY MALINKY Eric Marsh 16:15:29 02:15:29
6 B353 MAGAZAN 53 Nicholas McGuigan 16:18:10 02:18:10

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Results by : TopYacht Software
Ocean Racing Club of Victoria