Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Hutchwilco Melbourne to Stanley (M2S)


As in, follow the Yellow Brick Road.

Yes, we could have also gone with the Knight's seminal alblum as the theme, but we didn't. Alas, we do have something really awesome to talk about, and that is Trackers. Yep. For the 2011 Hutchwilco Melbourne to Stanley race, the fleet will carry these über-cool devices that not only add to the overall safety aspects of the race (a very ORCV'eee thing to do), but mean the shore crew can see your every move, as well. Yes!

As used by other great events, like the Rolex Fastnet Race and as you can see from the pic, the Velux Five Oceans, these small and reliable devices require no external wiring, as they are completely and utterly self contained. They are also fully automatic, and naturally, water and weatherproof. All you need to do is mount the small, lightweight unit (Only weighs 400g!!!!!! - height 10cm, width 14.5cm, depth 3.5cm) to the pushpit and you're away. From that very moment on, we'll all be able to watch the full situation unfold via this website.

As an added bonus, you can even send us a short message from your media device via its Bluetooth connection. Happy about that, or what?!


Rocking. Simply rocking.... (NB. The cord you see here is not a wire, but a a safety lanyard...)


Now then, we have 18 vessels thus far in the M2S - Addiction, Alien, Arch Rival, Calm, Dekadence, Dry White, Gusto, Jazz Player, Kiss Goodbye to MS, Magazan 53, Magic, Matrix, Mille Sabords, Scarlet Runner, Slinky Malinky, Spirit of Downunder, Trybooking.com and White Noise, which is about two thirds of what you might expect as a fleet for this race... Who's next? It's a lot easier to do this race than get your crew orgainsed to do your own qualifying passage, plus the seafood and hospitality of our friends in Stanley really are awesome.


ORCV Land also extends on to the ORCV Facebook page, so make sure you go and "Like" the page, now. 185 Souls already have and thank you to all of them.

© John Curnow, ORCV Media

Please contact me for re-issue rights.



The ORCV's Hutchwilco Stanley race
is proudly sponsored by:


ORCV Race Van moved by:






Osaka-LOGO Vanuatu YellowbrickTrackers



orcv logo reversed

3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au