Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

Summer Lease 2019 going through the heads resized photo Glenn Fitzgerald
Taking Experience to a New Latitude

Each November, the ORCV offers skippers a short ocean race where each yacht travels through the heads of Port Phillip to a specified latitude before returning. “It’s a race where your handicap determines how far you need to go with the crew then able to set their own course to that latitude. We aim to provide them with the experience to transit the heads during daylight and if we as race management get it right, they all will arrive back again at the heads at the next optimal time” said Neville Rose, Deputy ORCV Race Director.

John Strahan the owner and skipper of Bavaria 44 ‘True Colours, SM444’ says “My wife and I bought the yacht to do both club and ocean races. I’d been on a few Ocean passages many years ago, but only as crew where you just needed to rock up and jump onboard. For my first time as skipper, the Latitude race ticked all the right boxes, with no night watches, less crew and fatigue to manage and a 10.30 start. It’s gentlemen's entry to ocean racing. “

“Yes, there is effort involved to get certified for Category 3, but there’s no end of help if you just ask and so many willing to assist both at our club and through the ORCV. Together with some wonderful friends onboard, we planned the journey to use the boat’s polars, wind prediction software to plot the best course for our boat to the designated latitude. Our boat enjoys a beam reach and from predictions we anticipated a drift in wind direct to the west which gave us at times 11.6 knots on a well sprung broad reach without a spinnaker. It was interesting to see that only Rozinante II and ourselves chose the due south route which just worked for our boat over this shorter course.”

Summer Lease crew resized 2019 Latitude photo Glenn Fitzgerald

Summer's Lease crew - Photography Glenn Fitzgerald

Glenn Fitzgerald, skipper of Oceanis 55 ‘Summer’s Lease AUS551' and participant of the 2019 ORCV Beyond the Bay Course said “We knew we would have a large handicap and would need to travel the longest distance. It seemed that starboard tack would be best strategy for us. During the race we had noticed that ‘’Rozinante II and True Colours’’ tacked to port and missed a large windless hole where the remainder of the fleet including us, were found. The wind eventually built and shifted to push us home at 11.4 knots. As a first-time skipper and with a crew who had never been through the heads, we’re all very pleased with the result, 3rd overall.”

Glenn added, “We’ve all had such an amazing experience being part of the 2019 ORCV ‘Beyond the Bay’ program. No better way to finish the course than with this race being the final stage. As friends that have sailed together for years both on Couta boats in Sorrento and now on our own boat from Martha Cove and Safety Beach, it’s been a great consolidation for all of us for what we thought we knew and so many things we had never thought of. Having ORCV mentors with us at various stages such as the calm and insightful Aidan onboard for our maiden voyage through the heads was very comforting.”

Both John and Glenn have goals to do more ocean racing, starting with ORCV West Offshore Products Category 3 Coastal Sprints with the view to doing the longer Category 2 races to Devonport, King Island, Stanley together with some cruising.

True Colours crew resized 2019 latitude photo John Strahan

True Colour crew - Photography John Strahran.

Results for the 2019 ORCV Latitude were:

1st - True Colours (SM444), Skipper John Strahan
2nd - Rozinante II (R548), Skipper Andrew Middleton
3rd - Summer's Lease (AUS551), Skipper Glenn Fitzgerald

John Strahan also took out the Ian McKenzie perpetual trophy**
Ron Parker, Skipper of Jessebbee (S140), took out the Geoff “Magga” Bascombe - Novice Skipper Award^

Full ORCV 2019 Latitude Result can be found here https://www.orcv.org.au/results/2019-20/ and also announced by Neville Rose below.


** Background on Ian McKenzie This Trophy has been gifted to the ORCV in honour of Ian McKenzie OAM, who was an accomplished yachtsman, owned and skippered Supertramp R1080 a Spencer 12.41m vessel.  Throughout the 90’s Ian developed a reputation for taking novice sailors to sea, giving them a taste of Bass Strait and Tasmania.  He is also a Commodore of the ORCV as well as had positions on the Yachting Vic, Safe boating and risk committee as well as being an ORCV Race Director.   This trophy was presented by Greg Clinnick on behalf of the Ian McKenzie family.

^ Geoff “Magga” Bascombe - Novice Skipper Award Is awarded by the Race Directors for the Novice Skipper who stood out from the rest as a result of one or many factors. 

Top Image - Summer's Lease and Rozinante II race through the heads.  Photography Glenn Fitzgerald. 

A close finish to the 2019 ORCV Latitude

It’s going to be very tight finish in the 2019 Latitude Ocean Race.  All yachts turned at the designated Latitude within 39 minutes of each other.

Unlike any other ocean race where the bigger/faster yachts finish first, the Latitude Ocean Race has all yachts finishing around the same time, if the sail to their handicaps.

After 7 months of training, this is the final event for the 2019 ORCV Beyond the Bay Course participants, who have gained skills in navigation, transition the heads, sea survival, radio and expedition planning.  Each practical exercise like today's race is performed with ORCV mentors onboard.  It's great that the fleet are enjoying beautiful conditions as they head back to Port Phillip Heads a few knots faster than they headed their designated Latitude.  Wind is around 20 knots aft of abeam.  Giddy up!


Start of 2019 Latitude via heads

Near Perfect Conditions for the 2019 ORCV Latitude Race

The 2019 ORCV Latitude has really called on the weather gods to be kind today with perfect conditions for the 9 boats and 56 crew, many who are completing the ORCV Beyond the Bay program with this being their maiden voyage outside the heads.

The wind and sea state are great for the introduction to Bass Strait with NW 10 - 15knots as they sail to their designated latitude and should turn to SW around 2pm for the run home.

Each boat will travel to a set latitude based on their handicap. On Blue Water Tracks, the green line is where Dell Era who has the lowest handicap will turn, the red line is the turning point for the largest handicapped boat, Summer Lease. All other boats will turn at different latitudes between these.   At the start of the race, the entrants are working towards Latitude Set 3 as outlined here

Follow their journey via Blue Water Tracks https://race.bluewatertracks.com/2019-orcv-latitude-ocean


Coastal Sprints and Latitude Weather Prediction

This weekend's weather is looking good with a reach and run to Westernport for those on the West Offshore Coastal Sprints before the winds turn on the return.  The Latitude which starts a little later at 10.30 Saturday have good conditions with the winds building to push them home again.  For a full prediction click see below.  

When using PredictWind, prediction is based on a Benteuau First 40.

For those interesting in learning more about Predictwind, please check out their new Streamlines.


ORCV Competitor Update Latitude & Coastal Sprints

We're looking forward to a great weekend of Category 3 racing and it's been busy for us getting 2 races ready and concluding the Beyond the Bay program also.  So just a few things to ensure you are aware of:


With both races, ORCV Latitude and West Offshore Coastal Sprints, Blue Water Trackers will be delivered to your club reception by 5pm Thursday afternoon.   How to setup and install your tracker can be found here 

Please ensure you pick up your tracker before departing from your club reception.  Your club location is as per below.

CA BOUGE Special
E'TOILE MY, via John Gordon
SUMMER LEASE MY via John Gordon

Please return your trackers to your club reception by Monday OR send them directly back to the ORCV office at 3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park by no later than 5 days after the race.

We have a post on Facebook this afternoon with how to track you which can be shared with your friends.  If you haven't uploaded your profile photo, please forward this to Delma on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and make sure you include your name.  She's happy to help.  For each race, your tracking links are:

Coastal Sprints:  https://race.bluewatertracks.com/2019-west-offshore-coastal-sprint-1-race

Latitude Ocean: https://race.bluewatertracks.com/2019-orcv-latitude-ocean/boats

Crew Photos

As with all races, it's you that people are interested in and how well you go on your boat.  So as you head to Queenscliff or during your journey, please send us a crew shot.  These can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  We will use this with posting your finish times or as a recount of how you found the race.

Race Director and Weather

We will be posting on Thursday a weather prediction to both Facebook and the ORCV website front page.  Please do also do your own predictions before the race.

Your race director contacts for each race can be found on the website:  Latitude here and Coastal Sprints here

Mooring and Catering Arrangments at BYS Saturday Night

Please note: BYS have a 4pm wedding on the lawn and have asked that we are quiet if arriving around that time.

Moorings at Blairgowrie (BYS) marina for competing boats in ORCV Latitude & West Offshore Coastal Sprints who indicated they will be staying for dinner have been kindly made available at no charge by BYS.   Dinner is anticipated to commence at 7.30pm.  We realise that many who have competed in the Coastal Sprints will be heading home but if you'd still like to join us, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Friday morning.

Yachts berth allocations have been made and are available below.  We really do need your support with catering.  Each yachts crew numbers for Saturday Nights Meal is listed below also.  Please contact us if you want to make any changes to your reservation for dinner. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

It is a condition of entry that boats must berth in accordance with the directions of the BYS Marina Master.  

Some boats may be required to raft up due to size and space restrictions. Please note as guests of BYC we can only berth in BYS marina managers nominated berths and do not berth in unallocated empty berths as this may cause inconvenience to BYS members returning from their day out sailing. 

Boats having any questions regarding their allocated berth or crew dinner reservations should contact us immediately at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

BYS Special Instructions PLEASE READ

Once you have secured your boats, there are safes located at the beginning of each arm, before the entry/exit ramps which have regatta passes in them. To access these safes please use the code SMS to you. There will be an bundle of passes for each boat, clearly marked by boat name. Attached is a photo of these safes.


Safe at BYSBYS Marina Drop 

Once the boat leaves place the passes in the return drop box that is located in the same area. 

Please make sure you say, Thank you to all those at that you see at BYS for finding berths and assisting make this event GREAT.   Thank you BYS!

Blairgowrie Marina Map click here 


BOAT NAME BYS Berth Sat Night

Have fun and stay safe.
Delma & Tim
ORCV Media Volunteers



Cock of the Bay News

orcv logo reversed

3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au