Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

Navigator Course (Online)

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2026 is widely considered the year when traditional paper charts, including raster charts, will be phased out worldwide. This leaves us with Electronic Navigation Charts (ENCs) and NCs. So, what are these, and which one are you using?

The navigator's role today vastly differs from years past, mainly due to the availability of modern technologies such as weather information, better instruments, and electronic charting. The practical navigator course explores these technologies about both time-proven navigational practices and the demands of the modern skipper for more detailed information.

Your experienced ORCV skippers and navigators will use interactive and practical examples to guide you through the background and theory.

There is a myriad of navigational apps today, whether they are on your phone, computer, or chart plotter, but whichever one you’re using, they’re still doing the same thing—getting you from A to B in navigable water. This course focuses on the use of charts, no matter what app they sit on.

All courses are conducted online and are suited for ocean racers, cruisers, motorboats, skippers, and crew. 

Fundamental Navigation Course Includes

Fundamental Navigation Course Includes:

An introduction to the basic navigation skills required for safe yachting in coastal waters including:-

  • Explanation of underlying concepts which underpin navigation theory
  • Concepts of time, and distance
  • Use of latitude and longitude to define position
  • Basic training in the use of electronic charts and the information they contain
  • Understanding bearings, magnetic variation and chart datum
  • Plotting and planning
  • Tides and their influence
  • Route Planning Fundamentals
  • Navigation technology – Chart plotters, GPS, AIS and related satellite services.

Upon completion of this course, participants will have the basic knowledge required to:-

  • Interpret charts, identifying, lights, leads markers and common hazards
  • Calculate bearings and plot positions
  • Understand the key components required for successful route plans for short coastal trips.

The course includes two teaching sessions, a follow up Q&A (Optional) and home assignments.


  • Basic familiarity with the use of your navigational app
  • Access to an electronic chart on Tablet, Ipad or PC for use during the
  • Some familiarity with the use of chart plotters would be helpful.

Note that this course does not instruct you on the use of your chart plotter or app (on phone or computer.)


Non Members $245 per person
 (plus 50c booking fee)
ORCV Members $208 (plus 50c booking fee)


Fundamental Navigation Course Dates:

  15 Jul 2025 Introduction to Navigation (night 1) Online
  17 Jul 2025 Introduction to Navigation (night 2)  Online
  22 Jul 2025 Introduction to Navigation (night 3) Q&A (optional) Online


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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au