Melbourne Winter Series (MWS)
CSI: Port Phillip
Schuss comes from the sport of schifahren (pronounced 'She-far-ren'), which is German for skiing and it means to 'make a fast and straight downhill passage'. Now after Race Five on Sunday, 'Schuss' either went straight down on top of 'Bombora' or alternatively, 'Bombora' cut straight across 'Schuss'. I do not have enough photographic evidence to comment yet, but the results???? Well they were spectacular enough - have a look for yourself! We pick up our sequence of photos well into the exchange, but there were definitely clashed poles etc...
Here comes 'Bombora' post Race Five, which finished downhill, preparing to dump the bag.
A black rig and silver rig don't go clang, but things have definitely connected here.
Lots of faces looking at stuff, not sure how much "doing" is going on though (except for the letterbox drop being performed on 'Schuss')...
If you have a look at 'White Pants' (the guy in front of the guy with his leg wrapped around the vang), you can see that he's definitely "committed to the deep" here. A sloppy sea and off balance, with 'Schuss' spearing up over 'Bombora's stern wave. Lucky no one else was in 'White Pant's way... Rolling, Rolling, Rolling - RAWHIDE!
OK. Bow coming down, one foot on the rail, sermon done - time to 'step off'. "And Here We Go!", as the late Heath Ledger's 'Joker' character said...
Port Phillip in Winter - Hhhhmmmmmm. Yummy! One instant Soprano, coming up - with a shrimp salad side order.
Now in all seriousness, look how hard it is to spot the MOB........
And then a little wave, as in the pic above. Imagine trying to spot the MOB in a 5 to 10m sea!!!! This is why SOPs like the dedicated spotter and one Dolphin torch over the side are so important.
Bow comes around.
He's got the life ring now...
...getting a hand up - 'Schuss's transom not as bad as some for retrieving a person - and then...
...goes back for the life ring. Note the letterbox drop still going on...
A Toyota Hilux with all its pics, can be read by clicking HERE.
CSI: Melbourne can be read by clicking HERE.
Bags, Bungles and Toyota Hiluxes (think of the ad that used only the one "B" word...), the originator of the “Oh what a feeling theme”, can be read by clicking HERE.
Details of the M2G, which is Race Seven of the MWS, can be read by clicking HERE.
OK now all you Demtel shoppers. There's even more CSI to be had as we look at 'XLR8'. Have your credit cards and phones ready as we get set to offer you more.
By John Curnow