Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

Melbourne Latitude Series (MLS)

Mystery Man, but not Women!

Many thanks to the "Mystery Man" for the onboard pics from 'Spirit of Freya' during Saturday's Bass Strait Latitude Race. I love the way it shows the Rip. Even on a calm day, it can be very "interesting", as Kevin Robinson from 'No Fearr' commented over the radio...


Kevin Robinson onboard his 'No Fearr' as seen from 'Spirit of Freya', as they traverse the "interesting" conditions of a NE breeze on the remnants of an ebb tide. Better than in a humping SW with the resultant swell, however...

Now as to the Women. Well, they are no mystery at all. As to their ID that is... As for anything else, well I am NOT touching that area whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back me up anytime now, please Miss Jane, Kate, Fee, JA, Jo, Helen, Lisa, Gillian... Anyway. We have a pic of Joanne Harpur on the wheel, as she brought her 'Spirit of Freya' through the Heads. We also have Doctor Rosie (Colahan), who was onboard as a Mentor, and she is pictured in the companionway, relaying info to the Skipper.


Joanne Harpur on the wheel...


Dr Rosie offering assistance to the newer Skipper...

Moving on (thankfully), the other pics are of our delightful Rip and as I say, I think it's great to see that even on a fairly benign day, the Malley's (Whirpool) is still in action. See for yourself...

Rock on and so good to see the women taking charge!

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Even where there's nothing - in the Rip, there's always something!


Awareness is key to successful crossings of the Rip - to the conditions, the tides, the wind, the swell and importantly, the Yankee Foxtrots - especially the slow ones. See the "Slug" HERE.



By John Curnow


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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au