Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Winter Series Race 1 

ORCV Winter Series Race 1 provisional results are in.

Congratulations to PP1 and crew the overall winner. What a great day on the water for all those who raced.

AMS 1st PP1 (AUS31), 2nd Surprise (SM63), 3rd Another Chapter (B71)
ORC 1st PP1, 2nd Surprise, 3rd Wicked (SM4)
PHS 1st PP1, Elegance (B4545), 3rd Surprise DH 1st Maverick
Line Honours PP1 who set a cracking pace from the start.

Full race results https://www.orcv.org.au/results/2021-22/2022MWS/series.htm?ty=92340

The next race, July 9th is our popular race to Blairgowrie. Stay overnight and join the Women Skipper and Navigator race on Sunday. Entries are open for both here https://www.orcv.org.au/winter-series or follow the link in the bio

Fleet start WSR1 Photo Andrew Hewison
Spinnaker start on a perect winter day.  Photo Andrew Hewison

Sportsboat screamer as Cool sets the pace

The fleet work their way off the start line Smaller Photo Michael currieThe fleet heading to the first gate Photo Michael Currie

The second race of the ORCV Winter Series saw 45 for the passage down to Blairgowrie, with the fleet drag racing down the bay in record-breaking time. The 25nm run down to the south channel saw some extremely close racing between yachts, with the sportsboats and mid-fleet tussle taking centre stage as the fleet powered along on a wet and cool ride under spinnaker for much of the race.  

PPI sets going smaller Photo Michael Currie PP1 sets going Photo Michael Currie

The Cape 31 ‘PP1’ took out the AMS division, with skipper Cameron Dale relishing in the conditions after seeing the forecast earlier in the week. The wet conditions on board didn’t deter the crew even as the waves built towards the bottom of the bay, with Cameron stating, “We’ve done the Cock of the Bay several times as an upwind course and we’ve been hanging out for a downwind run to Blairgowrie; this race certainly lived up to the expectations – we had a ball”. PP1 is fairly new to Port Philip having arrived from South Africa, however they are soon to be joined by another Cape 31 in Australia, due to arrive in Sydney this year. 

Ragnar on their ride to Blairgowrie smaller Photo MIchael Currie

Ragnar starts the "ride" to Blairgowrie Photo Michael Currie

Sunfast 3300 ‘Ragnar’ won the double-handed division, after gearing up and rocketing down the bay at over 17 knots max speed. Skipper Richard Ekberg said he and his crewman Nick are used to sailing 14 foot skiffs and that their Sunfast, now a little over a year old, steered amazingly similarly to the dinghies, especially off the breeze. They both managed to stay pretty dry, commenting “The boat was very well-mannered in the sea state – that’s the most breeze we’ve been out in with this yacht, and the twin rudders really gave us the grip to load up the boat and go for it.”  

Primitive Cool leads White Spirit to the windward gate smaller Photo Michael Currie

Primitive Cool leads White Spirit to the inward gate Photo Michael Currie

John Newbold’s Reichel/Pugh51 ‘Primitive Cool’ not only took out the ORCC division but also set a new race record, pushing past 23 knots boat speed in an elapsed time of 2 hours, 58 minutes and 24 seconds. John said after the race “the conditions suited the boat, with the flatter seas allowing us to really get up and go – it was cold and pretty wet on deck, but the crew were committed to getting that 1% more performance”. Primitive Cool also holds the race record for the ORCV King Island race, and are looking forward to the rest of the ORCV winter series and further ocean racing in the summer season. 

Sydney 38 Tussel smaller Photo michael Currie

Sydney 38 tussel  Photo Michael Currie

The tightest racing of the fleet was between the Sydney 38’s, as ‘No Mans Land’, ‘Faster Forward’ and ‘Adrenalin’ battled it out mere boat lengths from one another. ‘No Mans Land’ skipper Sal Balharrie had the following to say on the race: “In the last winter series event we were 23 minutes behind Faster Forward, so they were the target for this race – we sat on their hip all day. In the end we shredded a kite, holed a jib and tore the main – and we had the best day”. The all-female crew have only a year of sailing experience together since joining the boat due to Covid, however their goal is now ocean racing and building up their skills as a team. 

Multiple crews commented on how great it was to regroup at Blairgowrie and chat after the race – thank you to the Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron for their hospitality. Congratulations to all competitors who took part; to enter the next ORCV event on the 31st of July, please find more information here: https://www.orcv.org.au/winter-series 

Race Results 

AMS 1st PPI 2nd Reflection 3rd Alien 

ORCc 1st Primitive Cool 2nd Patriot 3rd Wicked 

PHS 1st PPI 2nd Primitive Cool 3rd Ca Bouge 

DH - AMS 1st Ragnar 2nd Silver Cloud 3rd Maverick 

DH - ORCc 1st Ragnar 2nd Maverick 

DH - PHS 1st Lady J, 2nd Silver Cloud 3rd Ragnar 

Line Honours - Primitive Cool 

Full results here https://www.orcv.org.au/res.../2020-21/2021MWS/series.htm... 


Sam Harrington/ORCV Media 

ORCV 2019 Winter Series Overall Results

Winter Backdrop lead photo Bruno Cocozza photography

Fleet start Photograph Bruno Cocozza.


Overall series results are now published as we wrap up of the ORCV Winter Series.

Thank you to the 75+ boats and 450+ sailors and our wonderful volunteers and partner clubs who participated over 5 different races, 3 destination events, and enjoyed a different style of racing.

Executive Decision Photography Credit Dave Hewison

Executive Decision Photograph Dave Hewison

Justin Brenan, ORCV Sail Captain commented, “Peter Davison and the crew of Arcadia were the outstanding team in the Series winning 4 of the 5 races in AMS, the largest Measurement Handicap Division, and securing 4 podium positions in PHS. A second highlight of the series was the tight competition between Executive decision and Wicked. These 2 boats in IRC were tied with a final score of 8 points each. The IRC tie was resolved in Wicked’s favour based on the number of 1st place positions, while in AMS Executive Decision with a series score of 12 finished second, “pipping” Wicked by one point. “

Wicked Photo Credit Bruno Cocozza

Wicked Photography Bruno Cocozza

The overall series results are:


1st Wicked (Mike and Mark Welsh)

2nd Executive Decision (Will Sheers)

3rd Maverick (Rod Smallman)

Maverick Photography Credit Dave Hewison for web

Maverick photograph Dave Hewison

Arcadia winter series race 2 Photo Bruno Cocozza

Arcadia Photography Bruno Cocozza


1st Arcadia (Peter Davidson)

2nd Executive Decision (Will Sheers)

3rd Wicked (Mike and Mark Welsh)

Vagabond Photography credit Dave Hewison

Vagabond Photo credit Dave Hewison


1st Arcadia (Peter Davidson)

2nd Next Step (Russell Hibbert)

3rd Vagabond (Andrew McConchie)

 Next Step Dave Hewison Photography

Next Step Photo Credit Dave Hewison

Click here for further results.

The ORCV runs from a volunteer base and partners with various clubs around the bay, so we invite you to join us as a volunteer or become a member plus register to attend as a thank you at the upcoming 70th Celebration, AGM and Trophy Presentation on October 8th (6.30pm) at Royal Brighton Yacht Club.


Overnight Navigator's Challenge Scores

Winter Series 2019 - Race 5

14 boats competed in the 2019 ORCV Winter Series, Race 5, the Overnight Navigator's Challenge. 

A race with a difference, where the crews pick their course, sailing as fast as they can to different points across the bay.  The challenge, planning your course which favours your boat and predicted weather then working as a team throughout the night.  Each boat starts at 12 midday on Saturday and finishes at Hobson's Bay Yacht Club 9 am Sunday.  Points are awarded based on the distance covered with points deducted for being early or late in finishing.  The points are then multiplied by the handicap.   For this race, the highest points score wins. 

Congratulations go to:

Rod Smallman and crew on Maverick 1st on IRC & PHS and
Peter Davison on Arcadia, 1st on AMS
Ron Parker, Jessabbe 1st on Beyond the Bay Division.

What a great Winter Series it's been. 

We thank all the competitors, volunteers, mentors (for Beyond the Bay groups) and clubs for their ongoing support.  

Jessebee Crew Nav Race

Crew of Jessabbe

Yacht Name Skipper AMS IRC PHS BTB
ARCADIA Peter Davison 131.87   133.26  
AUDERE John Cain   111.68 128.57  
BLUE CHIP Ian Lewis     105.05  
CA BOUGE Aaron Marlow     123.36  
E'TOILE John Gordon     92.01 101.24
FASTER FORWARD Matt Fahey 113.58   121.24  
JESSABBE Ron Parker     105.99 105.99
MARIE GRACE Paul Darcy     87.90 87.90
MAVERICK Rod Smallman 131.80 117.80 140.95  
NEXT STEP Russell Hibbert 118.95   127.02  
SAGACIOUS Tony Cope     93.47 93.47
SKULLDUGGERY Garry McCarten     107.09  
VAGABOND Andrew McConchie 124.87   132.72  
WICKED Mike And Mark Welsh 117.87 105.30 118.61  


Incident Update banner


Message from Cyrus Allen, Skipper of White Spirit.

" Hi everyone. we would like to express our sincere thanks to the crews of Audere and Clockwork for rendering assistance. Jen, Dan and Andrew were of great comfort to Otis. Also a shout out to Carvalo for standing by and the ORCV incident management and emergency teams. 

Otis’ Mum has advised that he’s stable and awaiting scans, although in considerable pain. Our thoughts are with him and his family. Thank also to our wonderful crew for their calm response and management of the situation."



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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au