Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Melbourne Winter Series (MWS)

No reserve.

Now here at the ORCV, all the teachings and doctrine are about risk minimisation, so what is he on about with no reserve. I mean, if you're in a diesel launch, you keep 20% of fuel for reserve, if you are crosssing an ocean in yacht, you have reserve water or if Erin Foster has done your rations, reserve lollies... God Bless, eh PeeWee.

So then, the No Reserve comment relates to the need  or lack thereof actually, to sail this Sunday to make up for Race Six of the 2010 MWS. It won't be happening. Simple. The Brass do not deem it necessary.

Here's what they said. "The Race Committee have decided that since we have five races in the Melbourne Winter Series already completed and it will not disadvantage any competitor if we do not re-run Race Six, so therefore, it has been cancelled. We will not be running a race on the reserve day, Father's Day, which will keep more than the sailor's happy!"

"The next race will be the Melbourne to Geelong race. Please make sure you enter for this event (HERE) even if you are already an MWS entrant. We also require a crew list to be submitted online before the race. We have introduced a new online system, which allows you to add all the crew that have previously sailed on your boat and then you can delete those who are not sailing in that race. The system will also allow you to enter a sailor who does not have a YA number, simply by using their mobile phone number, but without the spaces.


Here's what the Geelong foreshore and RGYC look like, in case you've forgotten. Argh. Argh. Argh.

More on something sailing realted, right here, over the next little while....

Now whilst we're at it, yet another reminder that whilst R6 was the last of the laid course events, it is only the penultimate of the 2010 MWS. The final event is the M2G on 11/09/10. So far, just 22 of the 40 odd racing boats have completed the additional information that is required if you are going. A few of these are even coming out of their Winter retirement to be in amongst it all.

You do not have to have been doing the whole MWS to come out for this great passage race. Just look at Peregrine, Remedy and Yoko!

Now you Racing Division types have almost been surpassed by the new Cruising Division, of which there are now 16 entries. Last year, verging on 60 boats went to Geelong. Time to get a wiggle on, eh. BTW. FREE, yes we said free, so long as you entered the entire MWS. FREE!!!!!!!!!!

The full MWS results to date are HERE.

You can still enter the M2G HERE and remember that Cruising Divisions are offered for this great event. Enter, enter, enter - please. Let's make it a HUGE event.



© John Curnow, ORCV Media

Please contact me for re-issue rights.



Thank you to David Judge and

Tony Dawson from Hoobo's for

ensuring Steb had a ride and

we, therefore, had imagery.

The Colts (Sydney 38s) are having
their own fight within the battle -
many thanks to Ullman Sails for
providing the prize.




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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au