Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Melbourne Winter Series (MWS)


I'll be back - and just like Big Arnie, they are. Our 2009 Lord Warden Trophy winners, INSX, that is...


You may remember they had a marvellous set of results last year and were thoroughly deserving winners. You can get a quick refresher course, HERE.

Also back, thus far, are the likes of:




Jazz Player, pictured here as they came home to win the 2009 M2HW.


Schuss (they made their mark on the MWS, HERE) Pic © Steb Fisher.


Also back for the 2010 MWS, are the likes of Ninety Seven, Chutzpah, Extasea, Hush, Nutcracker, Audacious and our pals from Beyond Outrageous... (Thanks to Chris Furey for the pic of them).


And yes, Wicked, whom we know best for He who wears the loud shorts...


We couldn't forget one Lisa Hammond-Batson, with Mitch and gee I hope they're working opposite ends of the boat, on Horizon Sprint... (Pic © Steb Fisher).


... but after all that, I could not help wondering where the likes of,

  • Absolut
  • Can Can (which you can buy and bring out as your very own boat, just by contacting Sundance at SYC)
  • Ikon
  • JAMHU2
  • Reverie
  • Reckless
  • Veloce and
  • Under Capricorn, have got to????


So then... Come out, come out, wherever you are... (Pic © Steb Fisher)


To enter the MWS and see how you match up to the Bay's battle hardened crews, of which there are 34 of them, thus far, just by get the NOR and complete the online entry for the 2010 MWS, right HERE. Come on. What else are you going to do? Stay warm, sit in front of the fire and drink red? BTW, the M2G is HERE and remember that Cruising Divisions will be offered for this particular event.


By John Curnow




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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au