Ocean Racing Club of Victoria

The first pick-up of passengers was from Sorrento followed by another pick-up at Queenscliff  before a two hour cruise around the waters at the entrance to Port Phillip Bay, affectionately called the Rip.

Moonraker picks up participants at Queenscliff

Robin Hewitt, owner and skipper of Yoko, provided an expert commentary as Moonraker motored around to a number of key positions within the entrance.

Robin has many years of experience sailing in Bass Strait and has skippered Yoko in over thirty Melbourne to Hobart races.  Over his sailing career, Robin has negotiated the Rip many times and has seen the Rip in many states depending on weather and tidal conditions.

Expert commentary on the Rip by experienced yachtmaster, Robin Hewitt

The Rip is a busy shipping channel for commercial vessels entering Port Phillip Bay intending to dock at the Port of Melbourne.  Robin pointed out that the movement of these larger vessels in the Rip is often restricted by their draft.  For smaller sailing vessels wishing to cross the entrance and avoid interfering with shipping a good working knowledge of all the navigable channels in the Rip is essential.   They should also understand the interplay between the state of the tide and the prevailing weather and how these two variables dramatically alter conditions in the Rip.

In ideal sunny conditions on Sunday, passengers got a close-up look at the various light towers, located on the headland off Queenscliff, that provide the safe transit headings through the Rip.  Then at slack water, Moonraker motored some distance out through the Rip while Robin pointed out various topographical features, including Corsair Rock and Point Lonsdale Light. Many passengers had their first experience in the Rip and were able to view first hand the “lights in line”.

Paricipants enjoy the sunshine while viewing the Rip close up. ORCV volunteers in yellow caps

For Kevin Davis and Phil Brown this was their first experience in the Rip. Kevin is the owner and skipper of a Wayward Lady, a Top Hat 25 and has been sailing around Port Phillip Bay for 3 years.  He would like to go ocean sailing in the future and along with his helmsman Phil Brown, they joined the tour to hear from experienced sailors how to safely navigate the Rip and which leads to use, particularly for small vessels.

Kevin Davis and Phil Brown  enjoy seeing the Rip up-close

John Newbolt, the relatively new owner of racing boat Primitive Cool, was also enjoying the sunshine aboard Moonraker for the Rip Tour.  As a newcomer to ocean racing in Victoria he will have to contemplate transiting the Rip many times in future races.  He was on-board to observe first hand the unique topography of the Rip and gain an understanding of the many factors including the state of the wind and tide that influence a skipper’s decision to transit the Rip.

 L to R, John Newbold in expert hands with Matt Fahey and Paul Buchholz

John Raff and friend Ralph Cristiano had heard many positive reports on the ORCV training courses and came along to hear the expert advice and learn more about safe passage through the Rip.  Ralph is the owner of a DS Jeanneau 39 penned in Queenscliff marina and although he has sailed in the bay and hired yachts overseas he would like to take his boat out into the ocean. John is an active bay racer and is currently awaiting the delivery of his next boat a Jeanneau 53. He hopes to broaden his racing experience and take his new boat ocean racing in Bass Strait. Both agree after experiencing a crossing first-hand that they now have a better understanding of the many variables to consider when negotiating the Rip.

L to R, Friends, Ralph Cristiano and John Raff look forward to venturing out the "Heads" on their own boats.

The ORCV education and training programs - like the Rip Tour - would not be possible without the help of a band of dedicated members who volunteer their time to assist. Thank you to the six ORCV volunteers who assisted Robin Hewitt on the day. A big thank you to Val Hewitt, Helga and Peter Coulter, Matt Fahey, Annie Schaefer and Paul Buchholz (ORCV Offshore Champion for the last 4 consecutive years).




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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au