Ocean Racing Club of Victoria

ORCV's volunteer instructors took participants through all safety equipment and procedures that every ocean racing boat should keep on top of, as well as practical drills that have been developed from real life emergency situations.

Some key themes shone through which everyone can take on board:

Preparation is key. Make sure all your equipment is up to date and crew is well-trained in its use prior to testing it out in difficult conditions.


Maintaining equipment and keeping up to date with advances in technology and new regulations is vital. If you haven't checked your PFD or liferaft in a year and a few bits and pieces have worn or ripped, they won't do you much good when you try to use them for real. The same applies for new equipment: if there's something out there that can help your crew stay safe, why not invest in it? And of course: know how to use it!


Does your crew know the standard operating procedures on your boat? Every member of your team should know what is expected of them. That way there is never confusion about anyone's position and directions can be given accordingly if the situation gets tough.


General consensus was that the weekend was a very worthwile and valuable experience. As one respondent noted, the activities confirmed you want to do everything possible to avoid being stuck in a life raft!

The next SSSC will be held in November, check the details in the training area of the site.







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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au