Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
2014 Beyond the Bay Lucky Door Prize
Nicole Heales is presented with the Dehydrator by Martin Vaughan

2014 Beyond the Bay- Lucky Door Prize!

Beyond the Bay participants were in for a surprise on Wednesday evening. Rod and Sue Slater signed up for the course and are enjoying the experience.
“Just wanted to say these BTB sessions are truly excellent. We really appreciate all the time that the ORCV and Volunteers are putting into the course. The Presenters are just amazing and so generous with their time. The knowledge they impart due to their vast experience could not be gained anywhere else.
Rod and I are really enjoying the sessions. We are already planning a 2-3 week cruise in Feb/March in Bass Straight. We want to go to all the coves and beaches that we can't drive to. We are getting the boat up to a Cat 3 currently.
So a big thank-you to all of you!”
Sue has used a dehydrator to prepare meals for cruising aboard their yacht. She decided to share this experience by taking her dehydrator along to the Wednesday evening session on Night Sailing and Provisioning. Sue contacted Fowlers Vacola who manufacture the units and they kindly donated one as a Lucky Door prize!
Nicole Heales was the lucky winner. No doubt she is excited about using the dehydrator for future cruising.
Many thanks to Sue and Fowlers Vacola for this initiative.

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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au