Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Tevake II and Turbo.

TevakeII now has a commanding hold on second place in the 2010 M2V epic. Yesterday, Turbo, also from HBYC, went out on a mung bean flyer as they passed Gabo Island (which the 51st Project kindly reminded me stands for Got a Bit On). We had hoped they would be the young pioneers and show a great result from their efforts, but this morning's sked shows them back in the fold, so to speak, and heading North having lost a spot to The Secretary (well done Robyn and Geo). Now it's true that they are the most Easterly of the middle bunch, but it's not as wild a strategy as we had previously seen.

Why rave on about these two boats. Simple. Turbo is an Adams 11.9 and like all Adams, somewhat purpose built for passage work on a L  O  N  G reach. TevakeII is a Radford 13.7. Graham Radford has been marvellously helpful to me with getting some info correct about boats from the late 70s and 80s. He was working with Joe Adams at the time, so there is your link. Now it is no real surprise that TevakeII also loves to reach and with these magnificent SE Trades blowing, that is exactly what the pair of them are getting.

All of which is a sensational way for me to get a segue into displaying some © Steb Fisher pics of the pair from the start on Sunday.


You'd have to know the boat or the kite, but this is TevakeII coming over the wave. Pic © Steb Fisher.


The stripes on the topsides are now visiblt too. Pic © Steb Fisher.


Magnificent. They don't call it dry weather gear, now do they! Pic © Steb Fisher.


The boat's Skipper on the wheel, Angus Fletcher, who won the Tidetech prize at the last seminar before the race. Pic © Steb Fisher.


Pre-start adventures above and below. Pics © Steb Fisher.



1884.999999nm to go! Pic © Steb Fisher.


Slipping along nicely in the soft breezes that were out there on Sunday. Pic © Steb Fisher.


Cheers for now. Have a cocktail on the beach for us! Pic © Steb Fisher.


So now we have Turbo, as seen here making her way to the turning mark off Shortland Bluff. Pics © Steb Fisher.



Appearing out of the Heads, with Point Lonsdale behind, stretching up to Drysdale. Pic © Steb Fisher.


A true 'Steb' image - the man of the bow wave. Pic © Steb Fisher.


Setting up for the kite. Pic © Steb Fisher.


Note to self - send this link to Jono, Mark and Rob at McConaghy! Pic © Steb Fisher.


Go the hoist. Pic © Steb Fisher.


Fare the well, Turbo. Have a blast. Pic © Steb Fisher.


To see where the fleet are located after the latest sked, please go HERE.



By John Curnow






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TasmanChief H602M2V10-IV435

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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au