Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Race within a race.

Yesterday, Thursday, was a big day all around. One thing that we're happy to note is that the real race, the Masterchef one, is still alive and kicking, despite the loss of one of the original combatants, Ingenue. From onboard the other original combatant, Robyn Brooke informs us of the menu and yeah, those winds, waves and sail changes that interfere with galley time.

All jokes aside, The Secretary are doing well, currently holding down second in both IRC and the performance handicap sections of the race. Nice work, especially when you consider they are the only two-handed yacht out there!

Robyn elaborates on the day for us, "The fleet expressed their sadness at the news on Wednseday night that Ingenue has had to retire with spinnaker problems, potentially effecting their rigging (the mast only went back in last week). It is a huge task to get a yacht to the start line for an ocean race and we can only guess how devastated Rosie and David must be. We feel for them and miss them already!"

"Rosie mentioned that the Master Sea-chef cook-off must continue. We had Coq au vin last night for dinner (delicious and thanks Sue), followed by lemon & raspberry steamed pudding with custard and the most succulent fresh strawberries. Today we'll have a Greek salad for lunch and later George's favourite, Steak, mushrooms and mash."

"On Thursday morning the sea came up lumpy after a smooth and fast overnight reach in 15-25 knot winds. The clouds are bringing some strong squirts and we've had a couple of rain bursts, too. In fact, before this morning, that's the only water we've had on deck since the start of the race! And it was fresh to boot!!! Hard to imagine, really, when you think about the waters we sail... Anyway, we are quite comfortable with the staysail out and full main, which we reduce with a reef when she gets a bit tough to manage. I sense things might change as we head into the stronger conditions being experienced further up the track."

"Gotta go - need to sort out some radio frequencies in prep for tonight."

We are delighted to see then, that stomachs rule. As we all sleep in warm, non-rolling beds and take a warm shower, we can only imagine just how nice these culinary delights must be when you're tired and cold. Love your racing guys - seems you're doing well in both events!!!

Note to self - check how our "Cruisers" are doing with their food, aboard the 51st Project...


George Shaw and Robyn Brooke have kept The Secretary moving along well (after George's small transgression on the second night). Pic © Steb Fisher.


To see where the fleet are located after the latest sked, please go HERE.



By John Curnow






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TasmanChief 6107M2V10-IV476

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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au