Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel

If you remember the series, the comment is obvious and if you didn't watch the 500 millionth re-run of Batman, well then you're probably the smartest one in the sailing community. Cheers to you.

Now it seems Robyn Brooke was also contemplating her own deja vu elements a little earlier on today, out there on the high and very confused seas they are facing. "Geo was plotting our position on the chart last night and noticed on the same day, four years ago, we were in the same place! How bizarre, indeed. Different race start dates, different boat we're sailing, but the same place and time. Trippy. I recall we were to the west of Elizabeth Reef last time and the currents were pulling us down onto it, so we gave up the struggle and sailed under it to the East. This time, we thought we'd be smart and take the scenic route between Lord Howe Island and the reefs, hoping for and needing that Easterly current, but it's not to be. The current wants to set South and it's slowing us up significantly. As for the scenic bit, forget it, as we passed by under cover of unbelievable darkness. I smelt the land but that was the sum total." Never mind Robyn, I'll send you some great pics of the place from our friend, Tony Purkiss. Here's a sample for everyone... and cheers Tony. Speak soon.


"In 2006, Yoko also had difficulty passing the reef area, in the then light conditions. She would have loved this race and cleaned up, as these beautiful reaching conditions suit her perfectly. We'll certainly miss her at the quarantine station!" Don't remind Robin, is all I'll add. On the one board for days and reaching - he'd love it all right...


Yoko reached all the way to Port Fairy this year and got the PHS prize as a result! Hence the smiles... Even Robin (in the red), who does not get excited, showed some teeth!!! Nice one.

"The weather report this morning was from my new best friend, Clive Wilson at Lord Howe Maritime Radio. It sounds like the wind will be 'on the nose', which means wet and bumpy. Unlike Bass Strait, however, the water is warm and it's not nearly as unpleasant. A wave managed to find its way down the companionway this morning, which was a bit of a shock, as until now it has been a dry run."

"I was 'co-opted' at the race briefing to assist, if required, with the radio skeds. The other vessels also masaged into the role were Scarlet Runner and Ingenue. Now with both of them retired, I've consequently been spending quite a bit of time relaying from Coast Radio Hobart and the ORCV race control. George is a bit disgruntled that he is eating five day old bread, given I have had no time to bake any new stuff." There's always the weevils and seabiscuits again Robyn..... Worked last time as a marvellous motivator for him. Your call.

While we're at it, the skeds will now move to 0415hrs and 1615hrs EST, as the fleet is now operating out of NZ bases.

What inspired me the most was Turbo's request to ensure someone passed on the Hawthorn score. GO HAWKS!!! It's like when the Boxing Day Test scores get broadcast during the Summer races. Crucial stuff, I tell you.

So as at 1400hrs Saturday 10/07/10, TevakeII was at about the same Lat (27S and Long 158.5E) when Scarlet had to pull out. She's managing just under 5kn and heading 022deg. Presently, her average has not been affected by what must be strong currents.

The 51st Project are happy to be online again and Lex O'Connor reports, "We are level with Smokey Cape - that is about level with Tamworth in NSW (we got both kinds and yes, you'll have to go very deep) and 400 Nautical Miles off shore. Very deep (probably more so than my comment, actually) - depth sounder cannot reach the bottom... A stormy night, but nothing too major. We're past Lord Howe Island now and on the way to Noumea! All is good and everyone is enjoying the trip."

Overall, TevakeII is still aorund 40nm in front of the 51st Project with The Secretary (Da Sec) a further 10nm behind them. Turbo have dialled up the wick (one for the petrol heads) and sit in fourth. Then Garisenda, Samskara, Slinky Malinky (who'll be able to apply for an allowance for asisting Ingenue) and Mirrabooka.

IRC has Turbo leading, then Da Sec and Slinky Malinky. Well done to them, after some time a little further down calculations. PHS is Turbo, Da Sec and Garisenda (Keep at it team, but I don't wand to wave the wand of death over them, so I'm going to shut up now.)

To see where the fleet are located after the latest sked, please go HERE.



By John Curnow






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TasmanChief 2009Cycling

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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au