Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Too early for shorts.

The Slinkies are first up today with some intel from the South Pacific and it seems they cannot wait for the shorts to come out again, given it seems like ages ago when they were all sunning themselves like the seals of Bass Strait.

"Having a very pleasant morning sailing along, with about 14kts of wind from the East. There's still some chill on the wind, however. Hopefully the shorts will be out tomorrow!" I had mentioned to them how everyone was so mightily impressed with them and their efforts and this was their response. "Watching the entire Ingenue crew (of two) on the foredeck wrestling the kite is not a good thing to experience, especially when you're not able to do anything to help. Slinky really enjoyed a few days sailing beside Ingenue. I'm sure, if the position was reversed, they would not hesitate to stay with us." Now having spoken at length with David and Rosie yesterday, Saturday, I know that they would consider it an honour to be there for the Slinkies.


The PredictWind scenario as at 10am EST on Sunday July 11th.

The Brass have chimed in with some info today, too. "Looking at the fleet, their positioning for the next two days will be critical, as the Horse Latitudes have re-established themselves (The gap between the tropics and the temperate Southern climes). The boats that are further to the East should do better (51st Project is the most Easterly vessel currently - those well-credential racers sure are having fun going 'cruising'). As a whole and after their first week at sea, things are looking peachy. Shorts and T-shirts will be the order of the day. The washing will be out to dry and the taste of Tusker beer is not that far away." These two emails regarding the shorts came in just six minutes apart. Great minds think alike, even though there is 1200nm between them...

It is with thanks to our pals at PredictWind that we have these great charts to review.


The PredictWind scenario as at 10am EST on Monday July 12th.


The PredictWind scenario as at 10am EST on Tuesday July 13th.


The PredictWind scenario as at 10am EST on Wednesday July 14th.

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu, then please go HERE.



By John Curnow and Simon Dryden






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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au