Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

The shingle.

You know the one. Even if it just hangs in some corner of your mind that you get to escape to, every once in a while. Not familiar? It says, 'Gone Fishing!'

Rowan Pollard and the Slinkies have just come back with some news of their Sunday, at a time when most of us are looking towards bed and a new week."'Are we there yet?', is a term that I've heard many times in the first seven days of the Melbourne to Vanuatu yacht race. I now know how my Father felt on those drives to the annual family holiday... although I'm also getting constant requests to know how many miles we've traveled!"


Slinky departing the Heads on Dec 27, 2009. Yellow cap = M2HW. Image © Steb Fisher.

"Trying to distract the crew from asking, 'Are we there yet?', for the millionth time today alone, the fishing rod was put over the back. Within about one hour, the reel went off. With the agility of cat pouncing on it's prey, the Skipper (Eric Marsh) leapt to the reel, so as to claim the fish as his! Now it is at this point, that special note must be about about Christian, who without any hesitation whatsoever, in turn leapt for the helm that the Skipper had just abandoned. After a dual between man and fish, I am pleased to say that the Skipper won and a tuna is now on the menu!!! Something that will be remembered by all the crew is the simile that was (and still is) on the Skipper's face, as it was revealed that this was the first fish he's caught from the ocean! Not to be out done by the skipper, the line was put back in and after another short period of time, the second tuna was on the menu. Our cook is looking forward to serving fresh fish to the crew."

"The crew have settled into life at sea and are on the brink of breaking out the shorts!!!" Let's hope it is so dear Slinkies and the changes to the wind you are about to enter also change the pace of life aboard...


Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow






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TasmanChief H777M2HL9-9-121

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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au