Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Gambling Cat.

Kim McKee, aka Kimbo the Ship's Cat, has got the book out - and we don't mean novel. Seems our happy feline is very keen to get into the wonders of Vanuatu. Sooner the better. All is fine aboard Samskara. Read on to see what they have been up to and how they are going in the ol' 'bouncy castle'.

"11.30am Sunday morning marked our first complete week on the water. Some parts of which, seem to have literally flown by and other moments, usually the uncomfortable ones, have felt like an absolute eternity. The pluses; no phones ringing, no traffic jams, no deadlines, no appointments to meet and no meetings to attend. It's just us, the good ship and the big blue. Maintaining the ship and keeping her moving at optimum speed, along with sustaining everyone's health and sanity/normality, are the mission of each day. The other race competitors are out here somewhere, but we haven't seen any of them since day two" (that's because of their inside track - see pic). "However, we do now know that we are finally gaining some ground on them!"


"Thank goodness it is getting warmer, as the inner thermal layers and socks are getting tired of being attached to bodies and are starting to walk around the boat by themselves.. ew!" Yes Kimbo. Tell the humans to get the sealed bags happening or with the cotton stuff, make a donation to Davey Jones!!! "Most of us shouted ourselves to a one week wash today. We have been very careful to conserve water, but with the finish in sight, the bodies have had a wash down (thank God for the baby wipes prior to this!). I'll leave the description of what it is like to shower in the forward compartment of the bouncy castle for another edition..." A shower compartment. What luxury! Usually it is the salt water bucket, a dance with the soap and bouncy deck up for'rad and some fresh to throw over the face once done. Love those rain storms. Can still remember the rain dance on the deck to get the rest of the crew up to partake in a massive wash down... Everyone lines up under the boom, where the mainsail has done yet another of its jobs and acted as a big collector of that sensational fresh and drinkable stuff. Terrific!!!!


They're fairly easy to spot at sea and if you know it's coming - get the soap ready!

"We are still watching our water usage and have not had enough rain to fill the tanks, so the hair will have to wait until closer to the finish. We are all sporting the nice greasy dread lock look! Down below is starting to permeate that, over-lived-in smell and there is too much water still coming over the deck to open any hatches and properly air her out. Luckily we are mainly dry, so too the wet weather gear and boots etc., otherwise by now the smell would be far worse." Far, far, far worse actually Kimbo... "Too much information??? Perhaps? Back to the sailing, then..."

"Our latest position report has shown us finally gaining some ground on the other boats, which has given the crew a pump up. Each watch is not only trying to go as fast as possible, we are now also trying to out run the previous watch's speed and distance. Bids have been taken on estimated time and date of arrival, with mine being the most optimistic of 0900 Friday 16 July. The most pessimistic choice, uncharacteristically, is Nick with 1406 Sunday 18 July and everyone else onboard lies somewhere in between. We'll see. Mine is definitely wishful thinking, for the sooner we get there, the more time I have to enjoy Vanuatu, before heading back and becoming a common old working cat, again!"

"The gloomy weather forecast of yesterday has not kicked in, so we've been enjoying a nice tight reach for the past 24 hours. We are still walking and sleeping on walls, but not at such a severe angle, as we were when hard on the breeze. The bouncy castle is still relentlessly bouncing and the creaking and groaning of the boat still humming around us, however."

"Last night's watches were again a real glamour. Clear skies showing off the blanket of stars, which were once again pumping out an astounding amount of light. This somehow makes slinking along the inky black ocean, a far more friendly sight. We have not seen another ship or human life for two days, other than what looked like a Jetstar plane flying over at lunchtime. Today the sun is shining and the sea state slightly more settled, with most of us have spent the morning on deck, reading, writing songs, chatting and generally milling about. The never ending toiler, Leon, has been busy fixing HF radios, leaks in the hull and anything else he can find, that isn't literally ship shape. Every boat needs somebody like Leon. He can find, asses and fix anything and all the while seemingly love every minute of it!"


Nature Spots: Pod of about 10 small pacific dolphins early this morning. No Mahi Mahi (aka Dolphin Fish, but nothing to do with dolphins) caught yet (you may be travelling too slow for these terrorists, Kimbo) ...A few sea birds aimlessly circling us from time to time - where do they rest?? We are miles from any land...


This is the kind of thing that has got Kimbo all inspired.... You may have to go on one of the game fishing trips when you get to Vanuatu, Kimbo.

The Tucker: More ham and salad wraps for lunch and another amazing meal from 'Easy Foods' - Chicken Tikka Masala - complimented by non gluggy rice prepared by Captain Stoops - well done! (Easy Foods were part of the last ORCV Long Distance Seminar Series, the food section of which, was organised by the tireless one, Robyn Brooke.)

Current Situation: Mike steering, Jesse catching zzz's before his 4pm watch. Must say, Jesse, (who hasn't sailed on Samskara before this trip) has taken to steering the big ship, in any breeze, at any time of the day or night, like an absolute natural - I think he's enjoying the journey. Stoopy is chucking potatoes from one end of the saloon to Leon in the galley. Stoops is about to prepare lamb shanks in red wine and rosemary sauce, mash and vegies for dinner. James, Rick and Nick on deck chatting and trimming sails.

"In all, it's been a pleasurable week. We are well pleased the good ship is looking after us, as we are trying to look after her by not pushing her to extreme limits, despite some temptations. Although she has her, at times, discomforts and downfalls, she is the only one we have and being so far from any land, any serious malfunctions or breakage's could cross that fine line between an adventure and an ordeal! Best get back on deck and keeping pushing the bouncy castle along, so we can keep on gaining on the enemy!"

Today's unfinished Crew Song (sung to the tune of Hotel California)

On a dark pacific ocean

Cool wind in my hair

Warm smell of lasagne

rising up through the air

Up ahead in the distance

I saw the New Caledonia light

We hope the breeze stays in

and we don't park for the night...



Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow






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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au