Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Limping Secretary.

First we had a tired Secretary, now comes confirmation of what we suspected. It's actually a limping Secretary. Those trusty ol' sea dogs may be half spent and one of them is fully bent, but they'll make it!!!!

"I don't think I mentioned it yet but our auto pilot KT has gone on strike. What this means for us is that the person on watch can't leave the wheel! It's all a bit of a drama, as the wind is constantly changing, in strength and direction and once the sails are set for the watch it is very difficult to make changes. The main can be eased and sheeted in but The Secretary is so big, you can't reach the headsail sheets to adjust. On BOOTS (the vessel they did the 2006 M2V on), we used a piece of bungy cord in light winds or on a beat but on the beam reaches we have had, there is significant pressure on the helm (probably the cause of KTs demise)."

"Anyway, we have been making do and getting along, but then George goes and hurts his back. He slipped twice a couple of days ago, but insisted all was OK, then after the sked this morning, I realised he wasn't getting up, simply because he couldn't! Medication has helped and he can stand behind the wheel for an hour or so, but then it's off to the cot to lick his wounds. For this reason, it's a very brief email."

"We went through the tricky Passe de la Sarcelle at New Caledonia, made even trickier because it was as black as the proverbial and we couldn't find the sector description in the Admiralty list of lights. We knew it was a sector light from the chart, but there was no indication of what to expect passing it from the inner reef to the open water. It was red, red, red. Luckily for me, we were in light air, so once through and out of the grip of the currents, I managed to set up the pole on the headsail and now we're heading in the general direction of Port Vila. I just hope the Trades continue to remain stable up here." So do we Rob. All the best bringing yourselves into port!!!

"Geo is now well enough to stand at the wheel so I get an hours rest so I'd better not push his or my luck. Bye for now." Not long to go Rob, so hang in there and dope Geo up as best you can.


Robyn and George have big hearts and even bigger smiles. Pressure on just to make it now. - pic © Steb Fisher.

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow






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TasmanChief 6107M2V10-IV108

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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au