Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

The 51st Project is finished (for now).

The 'Ocean Grader' has done her job and finished smoothing out the whole course between Melbourne and Vanuatu for everyone behind them. Well done. When Phil Coombs bought the boat, it was with a very definite approach to do lots of long haul ocean work, but not at the race pace they were used to. He wanted to 'do it in style' (see HERE about when the boat arrived earlier this year, with this race very much part of the agenda). Mission accomplished there, Phil. We will post her finish time shortly, but it may be that she has missed Customs and Immigration for the day and as such, she'll have to wait out Samskara and The Secretary's arrival on the Quarrantine Buoy. What aparty that little raft-up is going to have, a later on tonight!!!

Showing how marvellous the gang is over in Vanuatu, Sam Bell, Commodore of the Vanuatu Cruising Yacht Club, has just informed us that, "Everyone is tied up alongside and enjoying the beer! We've arranged through Customs/Immigration that The Secretary and Samskara can also come directly alongside when they finish tonight." Nice work indeed. Cheers on that or what?

Samskara on the afternoon (4.30pmAEST) sked said they were about 36nm from the finish. The Secretary is 34.8nm (64.4km) SSW of Port Vila doing 7knots, heading 006deg and at position 18.294S and 168.123S. Now won't Robyn and George be happy not to have to be on watch all night!

All of that means Garisenda and Slinky Malinky will be the only ones left out there for part of tomorrow...


L to R is Tim Bilham, Philip Coombs, Cheryl Coombs, Graeme Smith at an onboard Cocktail Hour aboard the 51st Project.

More soon...

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow and Simon Dryden






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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au