Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

That African Tribe.

Our members of the Fakawi Tribe, Robyn and George aboard The Secretary, have just sent in some more information about their return voyage and where they'd like to make land and where they might have to settle for! (As of 1630hrs AEST, 09/08/10)


"Just left Chesterfield Reef, which was absolutely amazing. Thousands of birds nesting within metres - David Attenborough stuff. We were the only boat there, until a fishing boat arrived just on dusk last night. Leaving, we passed through Ilot du Passage, which is a sliver of water 14 metres deep, between two reefs and islets. Once through, the depth increased gradually to 40 metres, then dropped away to eternity, or so it seemed to our sounder."

"Unfortunately, I haven't worked out how to send photos through the sat phone yet - having enough trouble keeping the nav system working and am trying to fix the issue we have with power to the radar, as we will be needing it on approach to the East coast, to keep an eye on the nasty weather, which is heading our way."


"Have changed our plans to go direct to Brisbane because of the weather, so will now attempt landfall in Bundaberg. If unable to make headway in the conditions, once the SW hits us on Wednesday morning, we will turn tail and head north to Rockhampton or even further, until we can find shelter. Lady Musgrave (island) might be an option until it passes, assuming we can get in there in the blow. I hope the front slips away to the SE a bit faster than is predicted."


"Anyway, we're prepared for it. Will let you know when we're safe in harbour."

Stay safe and make land soon. Cheers from all of us.



By John Curnow






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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au