Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Almost home.

Our Seamanship Poster Crew, the Slinkies aboard Slinky Malinky, are almost back in Port Phillip. The image below, was taken by Steb during the 2009 MWS, so we may be able to see them out and about for the final few races of the 2010 MWS...

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John Owens has sent us in this information during the morning of 10/08/10, "Slinky is en route from Sydney to Melbourne, currently adjacent to the Gippsland Lakes today. We expect to be back at HBYC on Thursday the 12th. We left Port Vila on July 23rd and had five days on a reach across to near Fraser Island, then a few days down to Sydney, where we arrived on July 31st. Weather was crook for that week, so we had a berth for Slinky organised at the CYCA and left her there. Have a few photos to get to you when I'm in Melb."

"We got back to Sydney last Sunday (8/8/10) and set off about midday and had been getting N to NE winds of about 20+kts, so a quickish trip so far. Will contact you when in Melb."

Excellent news John and thanks for the updates. We do look forward to seeing what images you have for us. Three cheers for our Slinkies!

Also firing in a note this morning was Robyn Brooke aboard The Secretary. "One very black night is almost over. It's 0500hrs and the sky is beginning to lighten, putting to bed a rather uncomfortable ride - not pleasant when you can't see anything. After being dumped on over two consecutive watches, I have decided the party's over and I'm back in the full klamotten, wet weather pants and jacket. It's 24 degrees here at the moment, so being down below in full gear, while the boat is rolling and skewing in a rather confused sea, is a bit of a challenge." Yuck!

"Last watch, even my book took a wave! I know, I'm getting soft - one wave and I head to the shower and a change of clothes. That's what you get after a lovely dry race to Vanuatu and two weeks cruising around the islands."


"Anyway, no time to chat as the wind is swinging. Just to let you know we will probably try to make landfall in Bundaberg, depending on the trough that will hit the East coast on Wednesday. We were originally going to head directly for Brisbane, but the charts don't look so happy South of Fraser Island. If the South Westerly is too difficult to sail, we will have to turn tail and even go up to Gladstone to check in. Will keep you posted."

We do hope they stay relatively dry and certainly very safe.


By John Curnow






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TasmanChief H777M2V10-IV044

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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au