Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher
2014 Vanuatu Launch- Full House
Previous Commodore Angus Fletcher and wife Holly. Angus was instrumental in setting up the Inaugural race.

2014 Vanuatu Launch- Full House!

The  Vanuatu Race and Rally Launch was well attended at Royal Brighton Yacht Club last night. More than 80 people came to hear members of the ORCV recount their experiences of previous races and the importance of preparation for next year's event.

Neville Rose, Vice-Commodore, welcomed everyone and announced the Inaugural Rally to be run in conjunction with the race and which is open to both mono and multihulls. Recounting his experiences of the 2006 race aboard Helsal II, Neville said the race offered navigational challenges but best of all the weather improved every day from leaving Port Phillip Heads.
Robin Hewitt offered his insights into weather patterns in the region around the time of the year the race will be conducted and useful tips on weather maps, indexes and analyses that are worthwhile researching before and during the event.
David James addressed the issues of safety, preparation, crew training, maintenance (“every piece of equipment has a finite life!”) and health and morale.
George Shaw spoke of the “Rites of Passage”, Ship’s registration, Boat insurance, valid passport and Letters of authority required for persons “flying-in and sailing-out’ and “sailing-in and flying-out” of Vanuatu.
Paul Pascoe , International Juror, encouraged everyone to carefully read their Notices of Race and /or Rally as this is the ”contract’ or terms and conditions under which they must comply on entering the event.
Ray Shaw alerted people to the important dates surrounding the Race and Rally, especially the Long Distance Seminars and training activities tailored for these events. These dates can be found on the Vanuatu link on the website.

Rear Commodore Neville Rose, speaks to Tom Evans and Stephen Fahey- planning to make the journey aboard Stephen's boat Cartouche
David James presenting aspects of Safety
 David Richardson and Graeme Arthur from White Noise have their names down to accompany Jason to Vanuatu
David Taylor is looking for a ride (call the office) and Robyn Brooke will be joining Geroge Shaw on The Secretary

Keep an eye on the website for further updates.

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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au