Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher

2010 Vanuatu Humanitarian Aid Effort - Wishing Well

Yes. She certainly is a human Trevi Fountain. Sue Clinnick and her daughters, Kate and Lauren, have amassed a sizeable little collection to go in the container for the Vanuatu Humanitarian Aid project.

Her husband, Greg, drives the Sydney 38, Audacious, who are our current HCOTW holders. However, the other Team Audacious Skipper has brought onboard not only her daughters, but their school (Kilvington), Uni (Swinburne) and family to her crew. By the way, Audacious is not even going to Vanuatu, so that goes some way to showing the amount of this family’s compassion.

Kate on the left and Lauren Clinnick on the right, with some of the goodies off to Vanuatu soon.

In Sue’s initial batch were 40 tennis balls and six used but still very good racquets that her Sister-in–Law, Joanne O'Donoghue, a tennis coach in Canterbury in Melbourne’s inner Eastern suburbs, had arranged. More of her students are checking the cupboards at home too... The brand new items included six soccer balls, six Rugby balls, six Netballs, two ball pumps, since she thought they’d take up less space as deflated balls (good thinking), two referee whistles, two sets of netball team apron/vests, and one Teen/adult bike with wide tyres. Rebel Sport even lobbed in by giving them Staff Discount – thank you.

Also in there were two rolls of drawing paper, a bulk box of HB pencils, 150 ball point pens, six erasers, six sets of coloured pencils, file cards, box of chalk, three large sets of felt tip pens, three sets of water colour paints, 20 markers, 10 highlighters, some drawing pins and paper clips, four poster markers, two pairs of scissors and 10 lined A4 pads.

Two or three school kits will be made out of some of this. There are plenty of smaller schools further afield where a donation like this would be gobbled up. Two of the schools in line for this are an hour’s walk from the beach - straight up. The plan is to get the supplies into backpacks for the trek uphill and just leave everything behind. As Sue said, ‘Greg seems to get a new backpack every race series as a prize, so that’s that problem sorted!’

Not content with all that, she has also just gathered the next tranche of brand new equipment. In it were three sets of art brushes, more pencils, three large boxes of crayons, three reels of fishing line and mixed boxes of hooks, three science magnifying glasses, some staplers and staples and five children’s’ games, such as Uno and Dominoes.

So you see, one small effort can make such a huge difference. You may ask what are you doing? Well, there’s many ways. Sue and the gang got staff discount at certain stores to get the equipment at a better price. They locked onto surplus gear that just sits in someone’s corner and they asked the question of all persons they could find. Don’t forget dear old Aldi and the $2 shops. Put it on your next grocery bill and you won’t even see it, but the folks in Vanuatu sure will. Just look above to see that your inspiration can literally come from anywhere.


Anonymous' light tower marks the ORCV area at Rotary International's Donation In Kind Warehouse. Let's fill the space!

Now there’s also sorting and packing on Tuesdays and Thursday throughout May. We need a few volunteers to assist packing student kits at the Rotary Warehouse on Tuesdays and Thursdays until the end of May. If you are able to help out on either of those days - anytime between 9am and 3pm, please ring Robyn on 8601 5882. There’s even help with transport to the venue and in collecting the stuff you gather up too! A working bee is on Saturday 22nd May and the plan is to pack the container on 29th. Phone now.

Where are we at, in addition to this lot, then? There are already the computers from APC Logistics, our ‘Star’ donations from anonymous and Rotary have accumulated enough goods to make up 50 student packs. We can certainly use more, however! A backpack with school supplies for one child, for one year would be an awesome donation and we could probably fit 2,000 of them into the container. Please use your contacts, so we can make wishes come true.


Rotary have been busy scooping up all manner of requirements to send over.

The list includes, but is not restricted to:


  • A4 paper
  • Drawing paper
  • Pencils
  • Erasers
  • Crayons
  • Coloured pencils
  • Alphabet charts
  • Numbering charts
  • Manilla cards
  • Chalk
  • Ball point pens
  • Felt tip pens
  • Water colours
  • Sports balls
  • Computers
  • Markers
  • Poster markers
  • Highlighters
  • Tennis balls
  • Tennis rackets
  • Laptops
  • Drawing pins
  • Chalk
  • Staplers
  • Staples
  • Poster markers
  • Paper clips
  • Lined pads
  • Wheelbarrows
  • Video screen
  • DVD player
  • Portable CD players
  • Soccer balls
  • Rugby balls
  • Bush knives
  • Spades
  • Shovels
  • Wheel barrows
  • Bush bikes
  • Soccer uniforms
  • Rubbish Bins
  • 2010 Diaries

The container will be loaded and shipped at the end of june; therefore all donations need to reach the warehouse by June 10th, so as to allow time for sorting and packaging.


This is the actual ship that will be taking the container to vanuatu - many thanks to APC Logistics for making it so!

The warehouse address is as listed, and please remember to use this information on your label. The warehouse is open Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9am and 3pm - other times and days on request (Contact Bill on 0425 741 045). If you are unable to get your donations to the warehouse, please let Robyn know, by calling 03 8601 5882.

The warehouse address is as listed, and please remember to use the label, which is available from the link below:

Vanuatu School Project

Rotary DIK Warehouse

Rear of Woolshed 40 (enter gate 1)

400 Somerville Road

(between Paramount & Geelong Rds)

West Footscray, Victoria, 3012

Please ensure there is a list of contents on the outside too!


Click HERE to get your label to affix to your donations to assist in the identification of your donations,

when they arrive at the Rotary DIK warehouse


If you have any questions please contact:

Click HERE to get your competitor space allocation form for your gear to be sent over in the container for your return voyage etc.

You get a little over one cubic metre per vessel and remember to give approximate dimensions for your items. If you haven't yet sent your container space request in to the ORCV office, you'd better get a move along.  Please complete it pronto and then send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Don't forget to include your disembarkation ramp (passarelle to some)


There is more information here at orcv.org.au, if you would like to read about the race or the country. Thank you to all who have dug deep with time, donations or other. May we exceed the tremendous results of the 2006 Melbourne to Vanuatu race!


You can go back and look at the donation thread by revisiting Wish List, HERE and Wish Upon a Star, HERE

By John Curnow





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2010 Vanuatu Humanitarian Aid Effort - Wish Upon A Star

When Wish List came out (which you can revisit HERE), no-one could have expected such a wonderful and generous response. Thank you. It is still going, however, so if you're inclined...

Now we also have a Star Donator, who has chosen to remain anonymous, but the depth of his generosity and compassion for the people of Vanuatu is so touching, that we simply had to share it with everyone. Our Star Donator is hopeful that it will spur others on in our community to help those in Vanuatu.

Remember, it is not the amount of your generosity that will be loved by the people, but simply the fact that you cared enough and offered some items to help improve their lives, from the virtual nothing that they presently have to use everyday. It all has to be done by the end of May, so jump on to it now - please.

OK then. Getting off the soapbox for a second and turning more into a kid on Christmas morning, "What did we get?" Well, there's two engine powered pumps, one genset and a diesel powered light tower on a trailer. Wicked. Thank you, anonymous. These are very special gifts and they will be greatly appreciated by their new owners in Vanuatu.

LightTowerUp YamahaPump


Now of course all of that means we are likely to be in need of a second container to go with the first. So if you can help with that, please call Robyn on +61 3 8601 5882. The Rotary Club of North Brighton is supporting the ORCV's Vanuatu humanitarian project by publicising the project, providing storage at their Donation-In-Kind warehouse facility in Footscray and assisting with the final sorting, packaging and loading of the gifts into the container.

Just how do you do something about it then? Well here is the wish list and you can take any part of that. You may even have your own ideas for donations, based on your own areas of influence, such as our Star Donator has done. We can find a use for nearly anything. Earlier on we had a pallet of A4 paper sent in, so we may need to put a line through that one... The again, if we're taking a second container, bung it in.


  • A4 paper
  • Drawing paper
  • Pencils
  • Erasers
  • Crayons
  • Coloured pencils
  • Alphabet charts
  • Numbering charts
  • Manilla cards
  • Chalk
  • Ball point pens
  • Felt tip pens
  • Water colours
  • Sports balls
  • Computers
  • Markers
  • Poster markers
  • Highlighters
  • Tennis balls
  • Tennis rackets
  • Laptops
  • Drawing pins
  • Chalk
  • Staplers
  • Staples
  • Poster markers
  • Paper clips
  • Lined pads
  • Wheelbarrows
  • Video screen
  • DVD player
  • Portable CD players
  • Soccer balls
  • Rugby balls
  • Bush knives
  • Spades
  • Shovels
  • Wheel barrows
  • Bush bikes
  • Soccer uniforms
  • Rubbish Bins

The container will be loaded and shipped at the end of May, therefore all donations need to reach the warehouse by the middle of May, so as to allow time for sorting and packaging.

The warehouse address is as listed, and please remember to use the label, which is available from the link below:

Vanuatu School Project

Rotary DIK Warehouse

Rear of Woolshed 40 (enter gate 1)

400 Somerville Road

(between Paramount & Geelong Rds)

West Footscray, Victoria, 3012


Click HERE to get your label to affix to your donations to assist in the identification of your donations,

when they arrive at the Rotary DIK warehouse


If you have any questions please contact:

Richard Potter of the Rotary Club of Brighton North, on 9592 3431 and 0419 303 545

Robyn Brooke of the Ocean Racing Club of Victoria, on 8601 5882 and 0438 303 321

Brian Slater of APC Logistics, on 9644 7222 and 0425 763 473

Click HERE to get your competitor space allocation form for your gear to be sent over in the container for your return voyage etc.

You get a little over one cubic metre per vessel.


Thank you to all who have dug deep with time, donations or other -  may we exceed 2006!

By John Curnow





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2010 Vanuatu Humanitarian Aid Effort - Wish List

The second of the ORCV's Long Distance Offshore Sailing Seminars was held recently at the Royal Brighton Yacht Club of Victoria. As usual, it was a truly informative session and attendees were certainly armed with plenty of questions. Naturally, this is great and it is also good to see people using these free, yet completely invaluable seminars, to the best of their needs and requirements. "The comments, questions and contributions were just great", was how Neville 'Nifty' Rose summed up the evening. (Nifty heads the sub-committee which organises all of the training that the ORCV undertakes.)

You can read about the upcoming ones and why, as a racer or a cruiser to any long distance location, you should attend, just by clicking HERE.

M2Vseminar2DJ LR 

David James walked everyone through the major requirements of Category One racing and highlighted the need to get on to certain things early, to avoid disappointment. "Do it early, in case you have to pick up stuff", was how David finished.

Power and Communications was the domain of Markus Grinblat. He had a lot of facts and experience to pass on and indicated that you need three times the power draw in storage. "The new generation of solar panels are so very efficient and for me, Lithium ion batts are the way to go. If your batteries are already three years old, they may well be too old. An invertor is not the best solution for running a PC alone. You're better off finding a convertor for 12V up to the 15 or 18 V required by your PC", were just some of the gems he pointed out.

In terms of communications, Markus walked through HF SailMail and modem for email, RadTel for voice on HF and SatPhone footprints. Importantly, he also got the audience's attention and involvement with the discussion over AIS. He would prefer to do the AIS as a duplex off the existing HF aerial and noted that Type A AIS, for around AU$2500, operates at 12W and has priority over Type B, which is 5W. He suggested all sailors look at marinetraffic.com to get an appreciation of these remarkable devices.

Mark Crockford from Nautilus Marine Insurance came straight from the airport to address the gathering on the subject of insurance. Although a subject not often the most desirable to talk about, Mark seized the momentum and apologised for his late plane, which meant he would be the last speaker. The audience was delighted to have him there and Mark fielded a lot of questions and covered a lot of ground, as a result. He urged Skippers to answer their blue water questionnaire, if they had not already completed one, as it also looks at the crew and their skill set. "We do require an out of water inspection and rig test, which would be done at your cost. Please also check your re-insurer situation, as the underwriter may not have the necessary treaties in place for some of the locations being planned." Boat age, the type of construction and rig will play a part in the cost of premium, which is typically 1.5 to 2% of the sum insured and excesses will be around 10% of the sum insured.

Mark finished with, "Get a broker on it, if you don’t have coverage, but get on to it now!"

Our ORCV Commodore, George Shaw, then walked us through the Yachting Australia Blue Book in relation to water for consumption, the tanks that hold it, pumps that move it, water makers that create it and harvesting the marvellous substance off the sails etc.

Now. The wish list thing relates to the fact that it is not just yachts and crews that make their way into the Pacific Isles during the Southern Winter. For the second time, the ORCV's Melbourne to Vanuatu race will have a humanitarian project attached to it. Please click HERE to see how the humanitarian aid panned out for the first M2V race in 2006.

To see what the trip looked like in pictures click HERE and in a short video, click HERE.

For the 2010 M2V race, the Rotary Club of North Brighton is supporting the ORCV's Vanuatu humanitarian project by publicising the project, providing storage at their Donation-In-Kind warehouse facility in Footscray and assisting with the final sorting, packaging and loading of the gifts into the container.

Primarily, the ORCV is seeking donations of school and sporting supplies, which will equip the 850 children who attend the North Vila School on the island of Efate.  In addition, yachts planning to cruise around the islands, after the race, will deliver gift packages to schools in some of the outer islands. Please help, with whatever you can organise, as they really do have nothing, so any item is completely cherished! For example, part of the cutlery and crockery sent last time is used by the hospital and the remainder by the hospitality school to teach people how to set tables at the resorts. 60 PCs, which had become surplus to requirements at the Gordon Institute of TAFE, made the journey into the Pacific too.

All right then. APC Logistics are already in for the hire and transportation of a 20’ container (which you can read about HERE) and on the night, it was also revealed that they had found 14, no-longer-required, PCs in their office that will be on their way soon, as part of the end of May aid shipment to Vanuatu. Many more thanks to them for their unending generosity. 


So what about you then? Well here is the wish list and you can take any part of that. You may even have your own ideas for donations, based on your own areas of influence. By the way, a pallet of A4 paper has also just been ticked off the list, too.


  • A4 paper
  • Drawing paper
  • Pencils
  • Erasers
  • Crayons
  • Coloured pencils
  • Alphabet charts
  • Numbering charts
  • Manilla cards
  • Chalk
  • Ball point pens
  • Felt tip pens
  • Water colours
  • Sports balls
  • Computers
  • Markers
  • Poster markers
  • Highlighters
  • Tennis balls
  • Tennis rackets
  • Laptops
  • Drawing pins
  • Chalk
  • Staplers
  • Staples
  • Poster markers
  • Paper clips
  • Lined pads
  • Wheelbarrows
  • Video screen
  • DVD player
  • Portable CD players
  • Soccer balls
  • Rugby balls
  • Bush knives
  • Spades
  • Shovels
  • Wheel barrows
  • Bush bikes
  • Soccer uniforms
  • Rubbish Bins

The container will be loaded and shipped at the end of May, therefore all donations need to reach the warehouse by the middle of May, so as to allow time for sorting and packaging.

The warehouse address is as listed, and please remember to use the label, which is available from the link below:

Vanuatu School Project

Rotary DIK Warehouse

Rear of Woolshed 40 (enter gate 1)

400 Somerville Road

(between Paramount & Geelong Rds)

West Footscray, Victoria, 3012


Click HERE to get your label to affix to your donations to assist in the identification of your donations, when they arrive at the Rotary DIK warehouse


If you have any questions please contact:

Richard Potter of the Rotary Club of Brighton North, on 9592 3431 and 0419 303 545

Robyn Brooke of the Ocean Racing Club of Victoria, on 8601 5882 and 0438 303 321

Brian Slater of APC Logistics, on 9644 7222 and 0425 763 473

Click HERE to get your competitor space allocation form for your gear to be sent over in the container for your return voyage etc.

You get a little over one cubic metre per vessel.


The volunteers are countless, but all have one mission in mind - to make ORCV racing as safe, enjoyable and worthwhile as possible. The Committee would like to thank each and every one of them for their efforts.

Whilst sailing to Vanuatu may be on a lot of athletes' Wish Lists, assisting the children at the North Vila School can be on everyone's. See if you can make a difference and harness the power of man's oldest challenge to provide for change to a struggling Pacific community. Vanuatu may well be full of smiles. We bet you will smile, when you see how your donation gets right to the people who need it most.

By John Curnow

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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au