Round 3 Winter Series
The weather for this Sunday's racing looks challenging once again with 20-25 knot northerlies being forecast in the northern part of the Bay.
To catch up for lost races earlier in the series, and assuming the current forecast holds, race management plans to run two races for both
the racing and cruising groups. Should the weather deteriorate, those plans could change so keep a keen eye on the website and listen
on VHF 71 at 0905 hours.
To accommodate these possible extra races, some minor changes in the Sailing Instructions are needed as shown below;
For The Racers:
10.1 On a day where two or more races are scheduled, the time limit for each laid course race shall be 2 1/2 hours after the start of the last
class in each race, after which time boats not finished shall be scored ‘Did Not Finish’ (DNF). This changes RRS 35. Clause 10.1 does not
apply to the final race of the day, refer to Clause 10.2
10.2 The time limit for the final laid course of each day shall be 4 hours after the start of the last class of that race or 1700 hours, whichever is
earlier. When one boat in any division finishes within the time limit, then times for other boats shall continue to be recorded until 1700 hours
after which time boats not finished shall be scored "Did Not Finish" (DNF). This changes RRS 35.
10.3 The time limit for the race around fixed marks (Appendix C) shall be 1500 hours. When one boat in any division finishes within the
timelimit, then times for other boats shall be recorded until 1700 hours, after which time boats not finished shall be scored ‘Did Not
Finish’ (DNF).
This changes RRS 35.
For the Cruisers:
10.1 The time limit shall be 5 hours after the start of the last class of the race or 1700 hours, whichever
is earlier. When one boat in any division finishes within the time limit, then times for other boats shall
continue to be recorded until 1700 hours after which time boats not finished shall be scored
“Did Not Finish” (DNF). This changes RRS 35.
On a day where more than one race is scheduled, the time limit for each laid course shall be 2 ½
hours after the start after which time boats not finished shall be scored “Did Not Finish”.
The final race of each day will conclude at 1700 hours and any boats not finished at that time
will be scored as Did Not Finish”. This changes RRS 35