Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher


Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)
Ocean Race of 1885 nautical miles
Race Start is off Portsea Pier at Slack Water, Port Phillip Heads.
Held every four years from 2006, this is Australia's longest Category One race and starts on the first Sunday in July. It was conceived as an idyllic way to escape the Southern Winter and often attracts a strong two-handed division of racers. The race always has a Humanitarian Aid component attached to it and there is a container with medical, school and apparel supplies that accompanies the fleet to Vila. Please see the Notice of Race on this website for the specific starting time.

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Finally, there were none!

On 18/07/2010 at 12:10:49 AEST, Slinky Malinky finished the 2010 M2V. As the last boat in, this piece actually finishes the coverage of the racing section of Australia's longest Category One ocean epic. It may be two weeks and a little bit of change since they started, but Eric Marsh and crew have relished the challenges, worked through the lows and most importantly, been there for fellow competitors in a time of need. Well done to the Slinkies on so many fronts!


Slinky Malinky on July 4, 2010. Pic © Teri Dodds.

We will bring you pictures of the presentations and also the container and its contents, as soon as is practicable. A big thank you to all those who dug deep and got Robyn Brooke's container so full of humanitarian aid. To Rotary International, Extra Transport for getting the container to the ship and APC Logistics for getting it to Vanuatu, we say ‘cheers’.

Cheers also to all the competitors. Well done. Competitors need fantastic Skippers, who get their boats ready and enter them. Well done to those ten magnificent people, especially the ones making it for the first time. To those that did not quite make it, we hope (and actually kind of know) you'll be back for more. We also really appreciate you making the time to send us updates of your travels, too.

Well done to the ORCV Sailing Committee, as well. A race like this needs a heap of organisation and the individuals responsible for this were Chairman Simon Dryden, Race Director Bob Tanner, Vice Commodore Don Fraser for all the effort with the Tracker, Sally Williams, Dennis Livingston and Tanya Stanford in the office, Peter Clancy, Coast Radio Hobart (specifically Stuart Braunholz) and Kordia for being on those radios, AMSA for responding so efficiently along with the Victoria and Queensland Police Forces and also Customs and Immigration. The authorities in Noumea who expedited Mirrabooka’s entry into New Caledonia, after her retirement, are also very much appreciated.

On the ground locally in Vanuatu were the Vanuatu Cruising Yacht Club Commodore Sam Bell and Secretary, Jesse Bell. Showing that it is a sport based on camaraderie, were Brian Pattinson and Rob Date, who were there at Vila, welcoming the crews in, despite not being able to make it with their own boats.

A big thank you also to the all the media outlets that covered the race and all the activities that went a long with it. To Steb Fisher and Teri Dodds, who gave us rights to use their fantastic imagery - nice one. Finally then, to all the readers, thank you for your interest. It has been appreciated and we certainly acknowledge your effort to call or email and let us know what you thought. Very kind.

To the Scoreboards then:

Line Honours - Tevake II was the only boat to go over the top of New Caledonia and as such, disposed of their opposition, who at one stage had closed to within 19nm of Tevake's transom.

TEVAKE II (H101) M2V10 L/H N/A Finished Wed 12:58:56 241:28:56
TURBO (H602) M2V10 L/H N/A Finished Thu 12:11:33 264:41:33
51ST PROJECT (SM51) M2V10 L/H N/A Finished Thu 14:25:50 266:55:50
SAMSKARA (H6110) M2V10 L/H N/A Finished Thu 22:10:11 274:40:11
THE SECRETARY (6107) M2V10 L/H N/A Finished Thu 23:48:59 276:18:59
GARISENDA (H624) M2V10 L/H N/A Finished Sat 23:21:56 323:51:56
SLINKY MALINKY (H777) M2V10 L/H N/A Finished Sun 12:10:49 336:40:49

IRC - great effort by Turbo for the win and also in PHS and the two-handed crew aboard The Secretary for 3rd.

TURBO (H602) M2V10 IRC 1.0470 Finished Thu 12:11:33 277:07:59
TEVAKE II (H101) M2V10 IRC 1.1860 Finished Wed 12:58:56 286:23:52
THE SECRETARY (6107) M2V10 IRC 1.0900 Finished Thu 23:48:59 301:11:06
51ST PROJECT (SM51) M2V10 IRC 1.1310 Finished Thu 14:25:50 301:53:54
SAMSKARA (H6110) M2V10 IRC 1.1100 Finished Thu 22:10:11 304:53:00
GARISENDA (H624) M2V10 IRC 1.0220 Finished Sat 23:21:56 330:59:26
SLINKY MALINKY (H777) M2V10 IRC 1.0200 Finished Sun 12:10:49 343:24:50

PHS - Garisenda, the Dark Horse, gets 3rd.

TURBO (H602) M2V10 PHS 0.8800 Finished Thu 12:11:33 232:55:46
THE SECRETARY (6107) M2V10 PHS 0.9050 Finished Thu 23:48:59 250:03:59
GARISENDA (H624) M2V10 PHS 0.8500 Finished Sat 23:21:56 275:17:09
51ST PROJECT (SM51) M2V10 PHS 1.0700 Finished Thu 14:25:50 285:36:57
SLINKY MALINKY (H777) M2V10 PHS 0.8500 Finished Sun 12:10:49 286:10:42

There will be more, eventually...


By John Curnow






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TasmanChief M2V2010-546

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Then there was one!

Garisenda arrived in Port Vila at 23:21:56 AEST on Saturday. Well done to the Dark Horse. Skipper, Jeff Savage and crew will be delighted, I'm sure. No doubt we'll hear just how delighted, soon enough.


Garisenda, H624 on the right, goes into the line to begin her epic run.

Now with that news, comes the fact that there is just the one boat of the fleet left racing, Slinky Malinky. They should make it in during the morning of Sunday, July 18, which is of course, two weeks after the whole fleet left.

More soon...



By John Curnow






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TasmanChief 2010_M2V_SamskaraStartLR

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Tropical Cat.

Kim McKee, Samskara's now Tropical Cat, has checked in with a story and pics. Let's check it out...

"We have finally arrived in the Tropical paradise of Vanuatu."


Samskara's Crew - Left to Right are Jesse, Rick, James, Nick, Capt Stoopy, Mike and our Ship's Cat, Kim McKee.

"After a loooooong slow day with very little breeze Huey (wind god) dropped out the 0.00 knots as we drifted over the finish line doing 0.01 knot - (thank the current/tide god for us finishing on the right side of the harbour leads) at 22.10 on Thursday night! Grrrrr - frustrating to say the least. Most importantly though we did make it and were all VERY happy to tie up alongside our fellow competitors (Tevake, Turbo and 51st Project) about 11pm Thursday night."

"The obvious happened.......... bottles and cans were cracked and the stories got bigger and better and both cans and stories flowed until the wee hours of the morning. This cat hit the rack at about 1.00am and awoke to stories of roosters being purchased from the markets and planted on various boats. Crew forgot where they were and went in search of Souvlaki and kebabs rah rah rah. All in all it was the usual post race lies, fun and frivolity."


The fellow competitors are parked and awaiting the whole gang. A jubilant Angus Fletcher keen for more...

"Customs, Quarantine and Immigration did their thing (in their own island time of course) and we were free to get amongst it in Vanuatu on the Friday. Most of the crew then checked into Irriki Resort and had our first sleep in a real bed for a few weeks - very pleasant indeed!"

"Thanks to all those who have tuned into the cats tales and I am glad to hear most of you have enjoyed them. The Vanuatu Races are on today and given my winning gambling form, we are going to hit them with gusto! Frocked up, feeling good and signing off for one last time on behalf of all the Samskara Crew."

Over and Out! - The Ships Cat.


When I saw this I thought the Tropical Cat would be happy...


Then I saw this and knew this would much more fit her style and requirements...

PS: "I have just been informed by the crew that there is no prize for winning the closest ETA. Ripped off or what?! Apparently there is just a loser (the one who was furthest out), which is Captain Stoopman, who now has to write 'KNOB' in slippery nipples on the bar for the crew to then enjoy. OK. That's sounding a lot better!"


Our Cat obviously like the little Citroen 2CV. Aircooled, maybe that's why? Perhaps it is because it's small and just perfect for curling up in, away from all the crowd?


More soon... (but you knew that, too).

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow






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TasmanChief 2010_M2V_KM_PortVila

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Off and running - literally.

The Slinkies have just emailled in 10 minutes ago with news that the Trades have found them again! WooHoo all right.

"Slinky has enjoyed her time sight seeing New Caledonia. Now that land is out of sight, Slinky is keen to get to the next tourist destination, which, lucky for all aboard her, is Vanuatu!!! We're enjoying a perfect morning, sailing under the kite with 15 knots of wind pushing us along at about 8knots."

"The lures are set out the back. We have had three hook ups for the morning, but all three have managed to free themselves. Might have something to do with the speed we're going and Slinky is certainly not slowing for anything, even the chance for some freshly cooked fish. Maybe this afternoon will provide better luck."

"We only have, circa, 160nm to go and Slinky is well positioned well to be in Port Vila tomorrow!" (160nm at 8kn = 20hrs, so I got the email just after 12noon, which means revised ETA of 0800hrs, Sunday 18/07/10.)

All of that is great news for all to hear and we do hope the Trades stay your friend for the rest of your journey.


Slinky at Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron before the M2V start, which seems like moons ago. Many thanks to Rik Head for the image.

More soon... (but you knew that, too).

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow






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TasmanChief 2010_M2V_Slinky_BYS_RH

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Morning (No) Glory.

The morning of their thirteenth day at sea probably was a glorious and colourful affair, but it has revealed no glory in their progress overnight. It would seem that Garisenda will make it Port Vila very late tonight and Slinky Malinky around lunch tomorrow. The light, variable and shifty breezes that have plagued them are going to give way to the Trades again, so we can hope that their VMG's will not look as disastrous as their overnight courses do wayward.

VMG stands for Velocity Made Good and it refers to the actual speed in the desired direction, directly towards the proposed desitination and well, yesterday we showed Slinky's dog-leg and today, it is Garisenda's turn. The price you pay, in order to keep moving...


Grarisenda in the darker gold and Slinky Malinky in the brighter yellow, who I trust have enough way to get through these difficult little stretches, as there are currents in the area to be considered...

ORCV Rear Commodore, Simon Dryden, piped in this morning with "Looking at the wind models, the two remaining boats final day and night are just going to get better and better, so I am expecting a finish sooner than our Tracker is predicting. Note, however, that it will be shorts and plenty of sunscreen." All right then, let's do the Warner Wolf.


Saturday AM in the area and there are plenty of 10knot Southerlies, with the odd appearance of a 15...


Saturday PM and the SE Trades are kicking in now - it's virtually all 15knots for them.


Sunday AM and there's even the appearance of some 20's.


Sunday PM and once again it is as Captain Cook described back then.


I created this grab to show that they are still a way off Vila, even in a straight line, which they can do, when the SE Trades return. The other thing I hope they have plenty of is food and water to complete this last stretch.


AC/DC - it's a long way... Probably playing it to death through the speakers lately. This is the whole journey, effectively two weeks long and won't the drinks that their fellow competitors will flood them with when they arrive taste good!!!

TEVAKE II (H101) M2V10 L/H N/A Finished Wed 12:58:56 241:28:56
TURBO (H602) M2V10 L/H N/A Finished Thu 12:11:33 264:41:33
51ST PROJECT (SM51) M2V10 L/H N/A Finished Thu 14:25:50 266:55:50
SAMSKARA (H6110) M2V10 L/H N/A Finished Thu 22:10:11 274:40:11
THE SECRETARY (6107) M2V10 L/H N/A Finished Thu 23:48:59 276:18:59
GARISENDA (H624) M2V10 L/H N/A 94.3% Sat 22:32:55est. 323:02:55est.
SLINKY MALINKY (H777) M2V10 L/H N/A 90.2% Sun 13:09:03est. 337:39:03est.

In short, as of Saturday morning, Garisenda has 107.5nm and Slinky 185nm left to travel, as the crow flies, however... Now if you're doing three knots, like Slinky was this morning, it is still 61.5hours left to run. Food for thought!

Perhaps Kim McKee should get the book back out and have a punt. Perhaps too, it might just provide for a glorious finish or the Dark Horse and the Seamanship Poster crew.

More soon... (but you knew that, too).

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow and Simon Dryden






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orcv logo reversed

3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au