Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher


Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)
Ocean Race of 1885 nautical miles
Race Start is off Portsea Pier at Slack Water, Port Phillip Heads.
Held every four years from 2006, this is Australia's longest Category One race and starts on the first Sunday in July. It was conceived as an idyllic way to escape the Southern Winter and often attracts a strong two-handed division of racers. The race always has a Humanitarian Aid component attached to it and there is a container with medical, school and apparel supplies that accompanies the fleet to Vila. Please see the Notice of Race on this website for the specific starting time.

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Down, but not out.

Rowan Pollard and the crew aboard Slinky Malinky may be wishing they were in at Port Vila with the rest of the fleet, but thankfully, humour has not left them yet. They have been good enough to fire up the HF radio and send me a short email at 1545hrs AEST.

"We've decided that Slinky loves to do a touch of sight seeing, first it was at the Prom (Wilson's Promintory, all the way back in Victoria), when she wanted to stay the night, now it's New Caledonia, were slinky has decided that she needed a rest for couple of days! We currently have 2kts of wind, which, believe it or not, is about the most we've had for the day. Boat speed is an equally impressive 1.5kts. The direction of the wind appears to be from just about anywhere..."

"The galley has been working over time to keep up the crew spirits. Unfortunately tuna will not be on the menu tonight, as we don't have enough boat speed for the lure, even."

Well. This morning we did say they would be getting a good look at the islands and alas, such is the case. Seems the PredictWid models we displayed HERE, were very much correct. We can only say thank you for making the effort to keep us in the loop and we hope you get some lovely breezes in the night, as the land cools, to get you moving along.

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The Slinkies. Our current Seamanship Poster Crew and what seems to a be very jovial bunch too! Pic © Steb Fisher.

More soon...

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow






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TasmanChief H777M2V10-IV044

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Last Day of Most Valuable Crewmember Competition.

Back in Having a Blast, we posed the question, was Rex the SatCom dome, more useful that 'He of the loud shorts', Smithy (Graeme Smith). The other part of the question was whether Rex was in fact better looking than Smithy, as well.


Responses have been good and there seems to be one answer way out in front already! Don't be perturbed, you can still win! Today, Firday 16/07/10 at 1600hrs AEST is the deadline.

The prize? The winner will receive two spots on the start boat for their choice of either Le Coq de la Baie or M2L/M2HE/M2HW this Xmas time. Most creative answer sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., gets the guernsey!


Get on to it!


Here's Rex.


More soon...

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow






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TasmanChief 2010_M2V_51st_RexTheSatCom

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Impinging on drinking time.

Samskara finished at 22:10:11 AEST on Thursday night. There was very little wind near the finish and the suspicion, at the time, was that it some while yet before The Secretary would make it in. The Secretary finally finished at 23:48:59 AEST.

Accordingly, that means that there are just the two out there still. Garisenda and Slinky Malinky. Both vessels should make it in on Friday, but we will know more, once the 0430sked has been completed.

Ah yes. Well. Now that the Friday 0430sked is done... We did say in get me to the cup in time, that it was going to get idyllic for sitting on a beach, but not so quick for yacht racing. Alas, this has eventuated, with it now likely that Garisenda will be Saturday morning and Slinky Malinky late on Saturday afternoon. Doing 2-3kniots will cause that, which is exactly the case for these two. Doh. Doh. Doh.... At least the scenery that they are passing sooooo slowly will be pretty.


Just the two little dots to look at now. The big dog-leg is not going to help VMG at all and the slow pace from soft breezes. Where they are, the models were saying 5-10knots (if you're lucky and closer up to Efate) E to ENE. Slow work indeed...

TURBO (H602) M2V10 IRC 1.0470 Finished Thu 12:11:33 277:07:59
TEVAKE II (H101) M2V10 IRC 1.1860 Finished Wed 12:58:56 286:23:52
THE SECRETARY (6107) M2V10 IRC 1.0900 Finished Thu 23:48:59 301:11:06

IRC is as it has been for a while and the real mention has to be The Secretary. Two-handed, no auto-pilot and a broken Skipper, yet they still did it... Cheers on that.

Also of note is the great effort of Turbo to take it out. David Judge, the HBYC Commodore, said of it all, "Fantastic effort by Bill and his crew, which includes the Ian Robertson, HBYC Handicapper and 2010 HBYC Clubperson of the Year, along with the new Rear Commodore, Ryan Blackstock. Our AGM is actually tonight and Ryan is the only nomination for the position so will be elected. Of course he will be in Vanuatu celebrating!" Now that's what I call an LDM!!!

"Turbo has done some serious offshore miles and this is a great reward for the effort put in. Bill was talking of retiring from sailing offshore but this might change his mind!" Yes. Well David, you may just be right about that...

TURBO (H602) M2V10 PHS 0.8800 Finished Thu 12:11:33 232:55:46
THE SECRETARY (6107) M2V10 PHS 0.9050 Finished Thu 23:48:59 250:03:59
TEVAKE II (H101) M2V10 PHS 1.0500 Finished Wed 12:58:56 253:33:23

This significantly longer, extra time required to get to the finish line means the provisional result for PHS now excludes the Dark Horse, Garisenda. Sorry team. We backed you all the way, however!


Almost forgot - Drinking time looks a bit like this (it's the sun that's keeping my eyes closed - really) - from 2006M2V


And you can find spots like this to have a drink at too...


Or get on with the activities...


Even take in the culture.


Garisenda will get there soon.


Slinky Malinky will be last, at this time. Pic © Teri Dodds.

More soon...

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow and Simon Dryden






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TasmanChief 2010_M2V_FriAMtracksCR

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Tevake II and Turbo tribute.

New © Steb Fisher pics to commemorate the efforts of these two crews and their vessels.

Race winner, Tevake II, is first.

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This was the winner for hero pic status...

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This image did give the one above a run for it's money, however.

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Very early set of the kite once out of the Heads and they were the closest in towards Corsair Rock by a long way. Point Lonsdale in the background.

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There's a 'Steb' trademark bowave.

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Off and reaching, with the promise of a lot more of that to come.

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Foredeck still cleaning up the headsail.

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The last of them before they got to Vanuatu.

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Back inside the Heads, during pre-start manoeuvres.

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Crew already on the job. Minds focussed.

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Just in front of Fisherma's Beach, Portsea.

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Kite gets sent downstairs.

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In you go...

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And now to Bill Feore's Turbo, who just plugged away quietly and kept creeping up the leader board, passing longer boats in the process. Very deserving winners of bothe the coveted IRC prize and the Performance Handicap System trophy, which is a mark of their exceptional efforts in the 2010 M2V.

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It's s great life up for'ard

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Slab sides = unmistakably Adams...

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Up you go, now...

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Foredeck prepare for kite launch.

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After up. there's always, down....

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Bill and crew carefully and methodically go about their work.

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And then they too headed East across the Paddock known as Bass Strait, before hooking left and upwards to the tropics. Turbo had that really funky dig, right out past Gabo Island at the corner, when they were obviously chasing pressure.

More soon...

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow and Simon Dryden






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ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Winning crew.

We've been trying to get an image of our winners from the sunny shores over at Vanuatu, but alas, it has proven to be just a tad difficult. In it's place, however, we do have a shot from Holly Fletcher of them before they left, when of course, they did not know that they would be the winners.


Left to Right is Tim Ford, Gavin Adamson, Colin Leake, Tracy Karmens, Jim McCormak, Leigh Johnston, with Angus Fletcher in the red. Taken whilst they were still at Hobson's Bay Yacht Club.

Their Commodore, David Judge had this to say of their win, "It is great to see Angus and his crew get to Vanuatu first! He has been a great supporter of ocean racing over many years and has got Tevake II sailing beautifully. His decision to go North of New Caledonia paid off - not without a few nervous moments, I'm sure. Having done three Westcoasters with Angus, I know how pleased he will be with the race. Congratulations from the Flag Officers and all HBYC members."

ORCV Vice Commodore, Donald Fraser, said yesterday, "We're delighted to see the first boat finish after the many twists and turn that this race has taken. It is fantastic how all the crews have applied themselves and stuck to the safety protocols. The whole community is looking forward to giving the North Vila School and the facilities in the outlying islands all their educational materials, general aid and equipment. Many thanks to Rotary International, all the contributors and APC Logistics for getting the container there for us."

More soon...

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow and Simon Dryden






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3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au