Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher


Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)
Ocean Race of 1885 nautical miles
Race Start is off Portsea Pier at Slack Water, Port Phillip Heads.
Held every four years from 2006, this is Australia's longest Category One race and starts on the first Sunday in July. It was conceived as an idyllic way to escape the Southern Winter and often attracts a strong two-handed division of racers. The race always has a Humanitarian Aid component attached to it and there is a container with medical, school and apparel supplies that accompanies the fleet to Vila. Please see the Notice of Race on this website for the specific starting time.

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Close Cat.

Having a lovely last day cruising into Vanuatu tonight. Robyn George (The Secretary) are just behind us. Amazing to think that after all this time, we are within a mile of each other. As at 1300hrs AEST, the pair of them are about 55nm SSW of Port Vila, doing 7-8knots. Well done teams. You're almost there and what a sensational achievement that is for all finishers in Australia's longest Cat1 ocean race - the 1885nm M2V.


Robyn and George when they got there last time on the old boat, BOOTS.


This is what it looks like when you get there - pic from 2006 M2V.


Arriving in to Port Vila.


And there's a crowd there to ensure you know you're welcome - pic from 2006 M2V.


More soon...

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow and Simon Dryden






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TasmanChief 2006_M2V_PortVila1

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Get me to the bar in time.

The weather for the remainder of the 2010 M2V looks to be a truly sensational 10-15 knots from the Sou'east - just what you want, actually. Especially when you consider how far you have had to go to the Tradewinds and those balmy gentle seas that lured into this caper in the first place. It's brochure weather as Bill 'Captain Raw' Rawson used to tell us as he contemplated the next adventure.

However, this is no time to relax and enjoy cocktail hour aboard, because by Friday the wind is starting to drop, so it really is time to get out your biggest spinnaker and make hast for Vanuatu!!! So Kimbo, if you're reading this, get them cranked up and full of beans aboard Samskara, so you can get to your tropical paradise ASAP.


Definition time - and mercifully, we don't see too much of the top one!!!!!


Thursday's weather - Vila is on the main island of Efate, which is just above the 1014millibar/hectopascal pressure line.


Friday's weather - great if you're on a cruise liner, but not so healthy for yacht racing...


More soon...

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow and Simon Dryden






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TasmanChief 2010_M2V_PW_Weather2ndFri

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Two Stage Turbo.

It may well be a headline for the petrol heads, but Turbo will be the next finisher and when they do, they'll get the IRC and PHS prizes - hence being able to stand on two stages... Well done to skipper, Bill Feore and the crew. Sensational effort. They should be finishing around 11am AEST.


Slinky Malinky is in green at the back and 51st Project in gold, up with the leading bunch.

As of about 9am AEST, Mirrabooka did, in fact, tie up to the quay at the Port Moselle Marina, Noumea, to begin repairs to her starboard rigging, before venturing on to Vila and the activities there. It is a shame they just could not make that last bit. Seven days or so on the one board, in a sloppy and often large seaway, must have been too much for the particular part in question.


David Bingham takes his Mirrabooka out the Heads 11 days ago and off to the tropics! Pic © Steb Fisher.

The Secretary are 79.8nm (147.8km) SSW of Port Vila, doing 6.5kn on a heading of 028deg at position 19.039S and 168.001E. This marvellous two-handed effort, by the team who have done both M2O and M2V before, will yield them 3rd in IRC and 2nd in PHS. As they have had so much to deal with recently, I will be very pleased to see that they have walked onto the quay, but perhaps, only a quarter as much as they will...


Team 'Da Sec', is Robyn Brooke and George Shaw. Pic © Steb Fisher.

Leader (line honours) board is as thus:

TEVAKE II (H101) M2V10 L/H N/A Finished Wed 12:58:56 241:28:56
TURBO (H602) M2V10 L/H N/A 97.5% Thu 10:40:06est. 263:10:06est.
51ST PROJECT (SM51) M2V10 L/H N/A 96.3% Thu 13:49:01est. 266:19:01est.
THE SECRETARY (6107) M2V10 L/H N/A 95.0% Thu 17:25:22est. 269:55:22est.
SAMSKARA (H6110) M2V10 L/H N/A 95.0% Thu 17:31:25est. 270:01:25est.
GARISENDA (H624) M2V10 L/H N/A 87.0% Fri 18:23:05est. 294:53:05est.
SLINKY MALINKY (H777) M2V10 L/H N/A 86.3% Fri 20:53:18est. 297:23:18est.

IRC is as so:

TURBO (H602) M2V10 IRC 1.0470 97.5% Thu 10:40:06est. 275:32:14est.
TEVAKE II (H101) M2V10 IRC 1.1860 Finished Wed 12:58:56 286:23:52
THE SECRETARY (6107) M2V10 IRC 1.0900 95.0% Thu 17:25:22est. 294:12:57est.
SAMSKARA (H6110) M2V10 IRC 1.1100 95.0% Thu 17:31:25est. 299:43:34est.
51ST PROJECT (SM51) M2V10 IRC 1.1310 96.3% Thu 13:49:01est. 301:12:16est.
GARISENDA (H624) M2V10 IRC 1.0220 87.0% Fri 18:23:05est. 301:22:20est.
SLINKY MALINKY (H777) M2V10 IRC 1.0200 86.3% Fri 20:53:18est. 303:20:10est.

And PHS is as so:

TURBO (H602) M2V10 PHS 0.8800 97.5% Thu 10:40:06est. 231:35:17est.
THE SECRETARY (6107) M2V10 PHS 0.9050 95.0% Thu 17:25:22est. 244:16:48est.
GARISENDA (H624) M2V10 PHS 0.8500 87.0% Fri 18:23:05est. 250:39:07est.
SLINKY MALINKY (H777) M2V10 PHS 0.8500 86.3% Fri 20:53:18est. 252:46:48est.
TEVAKE II (H101) M2V10 PHS 1.0500 Finished Wed 12:58:56 253:33:23
MIRRABOOKA (B429) M2V10 PHS 0.8600 DNF - -
51ST PROJECT (SM51) M2V10 PHS 1.0700 96.3% Thu 13:49:01est. 284:57:33est.

More soon...

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow






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TasmanChief B429M2V10-209

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Just love Sats.

Because now we are getting more from the 51st Project - those serious racers turned serious cruisers (yeah, yeah).

This is a classic."After eating ridiculous amounts of lollies for the past 11 days, one crew member finally said no........ For the record, Chris said no to a lolly at 21.09 S, 167.50 E :-)" Just brilliant team. Love it!

"We are having the most magnificent sail up through the islands to Port Villa on Efate... Beautiful day, 10-15 knots, Assy up this morning and now under Headie to get around I Tiga before we launch the Code 0 and send it to Port Villa..... Couldn't ask for more!! Planning roast for dinner.........."


Obviously passed on this Garfish for entree, however...

So, TevakeII have cleared Customs and Immigration and can hit the pub. David Judge, the HBYC Commodore said to me just now, "It is great to see Angus and his crew get to Vanuatu first! He has been a great supporter of ocean racing over many years and has got Tevake II sailing beautifully. His decision to go North of New Caledonia paid off - not without a few nervous moments, I'm sure. Having done three Westcoasters with Angus, I know how pleased he will be with the race. Congratulations from the Flag Officers and all HBYC members." And all of us, too....


The others look a bit like this. Please note that it is Mirrabooka heading for Noumea. She has retired. All souls are well. See comments below.

The Secretary is 51.7nm (95.7km) NNW of La Roche, doing 7.6kn on a heading of 048deg and at position 20.727S and 167.582E.

So then, the leader board is as thus:

TEVAKE II (H101) M2V10 L/H N/A Finished Wed 12:58:56 241:28:56
TURBO (H602) M2V10 L/H N/A 93.2% Thu 09:58:28est. 262:28:28est.
51ST PROJECT (SM51) M2V10 L/H N/A 92.4% Thu 12:06:02est. 264:36:02est.
THE SECRETARY (6107) M2V10 L/H N/A 91.1% Thu 15:56:25est. 268:26:25est.
SAMSKARA (H6110) M2V10 L/H N/A 90.6% Thu 17:16:56est. 269:46:56est.
GARISENDA (H624) M2V10 L/H N/A 84.3% Fri 13:40:48est. 290:10:48est.
SLINKY MALINKY (H777) M2V10 L/H N/A 83.6% Fri 15:51:49est. 292:21:49est.

IRC Looks like this: Note Tevake crept in for 2nd...

TURBO (H602) M2V10 IRC 1.0470 93.2% Thu 09:58:28est. 274:48:39est.
TEVAKE II (H101) M2V10 IRC 1.1860 Finished Wed 12:58:56 286:23:52
THE SECRETARY (6107) M2V10 IRC 1.0900 91.1% Thu 15:56:25est. 292:36:00est.
GARISENDA (H624) M2V10 IRC 1.0220 84.3% Fri 13:40:48est. 296:33:50est.
SLINKY MALINKY (H777) M2V10 IRC 1.0200 83.6% Fri 15:51:49est. 298:12:39est.
51ST PROJECT (SM51) M2V10 IRC 1.1310 92.4% Thu 12:06:02est. 299:15:48est.
SAMSKARA (H6110) M2V10 IRC 1.1100 90.6% Thu 17:16:56est. 299:27:30est.

And PHS is so: - Trainspotters will note Mirrabooka. She has retired and is heading for Noumea to fix a Starboard rigging problem, before then continuing on to Vila. All souls onboard are fine.

TURBO (H602) M2V10 PHS 0.8800 93.2% Thu 09:58:28est. 230:58:39est.
THE SECRETARY (6107) M2V10 PHS 0.9050 91.1% Thu 15:56:25est. 242:56:18est.
GARISENDA (H624) M2V10 PHS 0.8500 84.3% Fri 13:40:48est. 246:39:11est.
SLINKY MALINKY (H777) M2V10 PHS 0.8500 83.6% Fri 15:51:49est. 248:30:33est.
TEVAKE II (H101) M2V10 PHS 1.0500 Finished Wed 12:58:56 253:33:23
MIRRABOOKA (B429) M2V10 PHS 0.8600 DNF - -
51ST PROJECT (SM51) M2V10 PHS 1.0700 92.4% Thu 12:06:02est. 283:07:21est

Mirabooka - Pic © Steb Fisher


More soon...

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow






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TasmanChief B429M2V10-IV574

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Bossa Nova Cat.

When I read through Kimbo's latest piece I had a soundtrack full of Stan Getz, Astrud Gilberto, Antônio Carlos Jobim, Vinicius de Moraes and João Gilberto playing through my head. Maybe it was the sight of land after so long thing? Perhaps it was the reefs, sun and likelihood of sailing along in shorts? It could have even been the presence of cruise liners.

No matter what, here is her latest installment.

"As the weather was looking stable (and our sudden compulsion to try even harder to mow down some boats in front of us), we decided on taking the quick route through the reef, in between the main island of New Caledonia and the Southern group, which are known as the Isle of Pines. The passage is around 8nm long and 4nm wide at the start, then narrows to 2nm before popping out at the other end. It is a reasonably well marked pass, but with waves breaking over gnarly reefs on both sides and with us shooting through doing 8-10 knots under spinnaker and in the middle of night, it definitely made it another, 'all hands on deck', affair."

"We were all set up for it and everyone was looking forward to a bit of action, despite it being in the middle of the night. It was an exhilarating feeling: kite up, deciphering the blinking navigational marks, peeling to the #3 headsail for the short dog-leg beam reach, then back to kite, as we shot out of the narrow Northern gap. Amidst this excitement, there was a radio sched that again confirmed we have clawed back a few more miles on our fellow competing boats. This, combined with the first sight of land in eight days, as the sun peeped over the horizon, had the happy hour bell ringing all before 6.30am. A celebratory sip was complemented by bacon and egg sandwiches, ala Jess and Nick. A great way to start the day!"


This may be something like what she saw - from Helsal II in the 2006 M2V.

"Our welcome to the tropics: We had an enormous cruise ship heading straight for us this morning, doing about 30 knots. After making radio contact to ensure he had, in fact, seen us, he confirmed that he was just coming over to say hi and give his passengers a closer look at us! Big arm waves from both vessels commenced, as he gave us a toot and warm greeting. Very odd, but such a very pleasant welcome to the islands!"

"Current Situation: Dave Gray's tunes are filtering through the boat's speakers, the sun is shining, the spinnaker's full and the mild sea state and angle have the bouncy castle working in slow motion, which in turn allows us to open some hatches and air the good ship out." Fantastic news Kimbo - bet ii needs it!!! "Bloody beautiful! It really is one of those 'you wouldn't be dead for quids' moments and reminds you why sailing is so special!"


Or perhaps even this? - from Helsal II in the 2006 M2V.

"Everyone is in go slow mode after a long night on deck. Leon is asleep in the saloon quarter berth. He was the main navigator throughout the night, so would be feeling a big sense of relief. Mike is in the forward cabin catching zz's, Rick in the port aft cabin and James is in the starboard aft cabin snoozing too. It's an opera of snores, sounding like a country fair, wood chopping contest! Jesse is in the shower sprucing himself up, Captain Stoopy is on the wheel and Nick is on deck reading, keeping him company and doing the odd sail trim. A very happy and mellow ship!"


The more I think about it, this is probably what she has in mind? It certainly is for me!!!! - from Helasal II during the 2006 M2V.

"The Tucker: Dinner last night was another Easy Foods meal of lamb and currant stew. This was complimented by fresh bread made by our resident, "masterbaker" Mike, from bread mix kindly supplied by Lynda. Many thanks Lynda. It was like heaven after days of eating the bland, mountain flat bread!"

"Nature Spots: Flying fish galore - literally hundreds all around us. Islands and reefs!"

"Tropical paradise: I think today will mark the last of thermal underwear and we will be sailing the last 280 nautical miles in shorts and t-shirts - the moment we have all been waiting for! If we maintain our current speed average SOG of 8-9 knots, we are now thinking we will arrive tomorrow night (Thursday). If it's after about 4pm (local), we will be too late to clear Customs, so will have to spend the night on the Customs buoy and do the formalities on Friday morning. Everyone is getting very excited about arriving and particularly seeing their family and friends who are flying across especially to meet us!"

"We are now approaching the Loyalty Islands and all we have to do is miss Lifou and Mare Islands and do some more reef hopping through a few coral islets in between and then we are on the homeward stretch."

"Very much looking forward to our arrival!!"


Samskara in the centre of frame, seconds before the start of the 2010 M2V.


Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow






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TasmanChief 2010_M2V_SamskaraStartLR

orcv logo reversed

3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au