Ocean Racing Club of Victoria
Steb Fisher


Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)
Ocean Race of 1885 nautical miles
Race Start is off Portsea Pier at Slack Water, Port Phillip Heads.
Held every four years from 2006, this is Australia's longest Category One race and starts on the first Sunday in July. It was conceived as an idyllic way to escape the Southern Winter and often attracts a strong two-handed division of racers. The race always has a Humanitarian Aid component attached to it and there is a container with medical, school and apparel supplies that accompanies the fleet to Vila. Please see the Notice of Race on this website for the specific starting time.

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

The 51st Project is finished (for now).

The 'Ocean Grader' has done her job and finished smoothing out the whole course between Melbourne and Vanuatu for everyone behind them. Well done. When Phil Coombs bought the boat, it was with a very definite approach to do lots of long haul ocean work, but not at the race pace they were used to. He wanted to 'do it in style' (see HERE about when the boat arrived earlier this year, with this race very much part of the agenda). Mission accomplished there, Phil. We will post her finish time shortly, but it may be that she has missed Customs and Immigration for the day and as such, she'll have to wait out Samskara and The Secretary's arrival on the Quarrantine Buoy. What aparty that little raft-up is going to have, a later on tonight!!!

Showing how marvellous the gang is over in Vanuatu, Sam Bell, Commodore of the Vanuatu Cruising Yacht Club, has just informed us that, "Everyone is tied up alongside and enjoying the beer! We've arranged through Customs/Immigration that The Secretary and Samskara can also come directly alongside when they finish tonight." Nice work indeed. Cheers on that or what?

Samskara on the afternoon (4.30pmAEST) sked said they were about 36nm from the finish. The Secretary is 34.8nm (64.4km) SSW of Port Vila doing 7knots, heading 006deg and at position 18.294S and 168.123S. Now won't Robyn and George be happy not to have to be on watch all night!

All of that means Garisenda and Slinky Malinky will be the only ones left out there for part of tomorrow...


L to R is Tim Bilham, Philip Coombs, Cheryl Coombs, Graeme Smith at an onboard Cocktail Hour aboard the 51st Project.

More soon...

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow and Simon Dryden






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TasmanChief 2010_M2V_51st_CocktailHour

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Grinning Cat.

She'll no doubt win the prize for the most accurate ETA into Port Vila (and we must find out what that is), so she's grinning because of that, but also Samskara has continued to eat up the miles and get past some boats. Additionally of course, she's now exactly where she wants to be and miles away from being Office Cat. We refer to Kim McKee.... here's what may well be the last of her updates.

"As I wriggled my weary body out of my salt encrusted wet weather gear and unpacked the bulky contents of the jacket, (torch, PLB, strobe light, knife, head light, dye kit and half eaten muesli bar), for what should be one last time this morning, I felt a sense of relief mixed with apprehension and disappointment that the journey is coming to an end." Never fear, Kimbo. M2S and M2HE or W are there for you very soon indeed!!!

"Samskara has provided us with our own private, self-contained universe, which not only has all of the facilities to keep eight of us warm, clean and well fed, she has also carried us over 1800 nautical miles (approx. 3,500 kms) through mixed conditions, with only a few hissy fits along the way. It seems strange to feel so fond of an innate object, but somehow yachts have soul and personality and after looking after each other for so long, it is hard not to feel a real companionship and a sense of pride in her. Yachts like to be sailed rather than tied up in marinas and I can't help thinking that Samskara has enjoyed lifting her skirt, barrelling out of the Port Phillip Heads and opening into a canter for this passage. Although still creaking and moaning she feels as sound and comforting as the day we left." Yep. You've pretty much nailed it there.


Pic © Steb Fisher.

"As for the crew, although in high spirits, we certainly look and feel a bit rougher than when we left. Rougher, but in a sense a little healthier and fitter. It's amazing what getting up every 4 hours does for you, along with not drinking or eating to excess! We are all sporting some colorful bruises in odd places and are a little weather beaten, not to mention hairier (the boys anyway!) and I am sure, we're all a wee bit smellier. Manky clothes are being sealed in plastic bags and sea boots aired in the sunshine. Everyone is re-iterating the same thoughts - very happy to be arriving and seeing their friends and families, but also a little disappointed such an awesome trip is coming to a close."

"The wind has dropped out to 5-10 knots (see Get me to bar in time), as if teasing us so close to the finish. With just 70 miles to go, we are sailing along so slowly and gently, averaging 5 knots boat speed. Ironically, the day we are too excited to sleep, the bouncy castle is offering a gentle rocking, which is just ideal for snoozing! If we had the same wind strength as yesterday, we would definitely arrive in time to clear customs tonight, but with these new light conditions, it looks like party time on the customs buoy this evening. Three other boats should be joining us, so a bit of fun to be had and a nice close finish to celebrate!"

"We have just passed competing yacht 'The Secretary', who are doing this race two-handed and we have heard that George has had a fall and hurt his back, so Robyn is doing most of the steering. Poor buggers, that would be tough going! They have just VHF radioed to let us know their HF radio has gone down and asked if we can do today's 1615 sched for them, if they are not back up and running by then. Robyn had just written her daily blog and went to send it, just at the time the radio decided not to work. Lets hope she hasn't lost her material." She is amazing you know. Doing most of the steering because of Geo's injury and also the AutoPilot is down, now the HF is on the fritz.... Yet she still finds time to tell us what she's been up to. Bless her indeed...

"We are now in search of '51st Project', who were just 27 miles ahead at the 4.15am sched. A big call, but we have the new #1 headsail up and are making ok speed, given the conditions." They're probably looking at the next roast, Kimbo, so you may have chance yet!!!! Watch out - plenty of experience onboard. Suggest you throw plenty of cans of bundy and coke at 'em. Diversion tactics, just like when entering an animal enclosure...

"We are all particularly excited about arriving in Vanuatu. For us Australians to sail to a foreign port, is certainly a unique experience. With such vast distances from our island nation, we often fly overseas, but to sail aboard is a rare experience and we are looking forward to immersing ourselves in the island's culture and celebrating the journey." they'll be looking forward to having you, Kim.

Current Situation: "Jack Johnson piping through speakers, Stoopy doing our arrival papers, Rick totally absorbed in 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'. We've lost him, I think (he just piped up and said he can't wait to get there to buy the second book in the trilogy - Ed. It's worth it Rick - all three are great, so we won't spoil it - bit dark and super-interesting take on Scandahooligan culture and ethos, however...), Jesse steering, Fo, Mike, James and Leon all on deck."

The Tucker: "Chilli Beans and fresh bread ala Mike for lunch yesterday filled us all so full of food and air, that we just had noodles and cuppa soups for dinner. Bacon, egg and cheese omelette ala Ship's Cat this morning."

"So this ends the blogging at sea. I'll miss my daily routine of sitting/bouncing around the navigation station, sliding off the seat, while trying to type away. I will try and do one last update tomorrow to advise of our safe arrival and report any stand out performances at the mooring party tonight... I can hear a few cans cracking already - could be interesting..."

Signing off on behalf of the Samskara Crew and with a huge Cheshire Cat Grin, The Ship's Cat, Kimbo.

PS: "Log saying arriving around 8pm tonight - guess who wins the "Estimated date and time of finishing" competition??!! Hee hee, I wont start bragging until reality - still 68 miles to go but looking good!" What was the prize again Kimbo????? Please advise!


Pic © Steb Fisher


More soon...

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow and Simon Dryden






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TasmanChief H6110M2V10-IV373

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Living it up!

The 51st Project. Great bunch of people and handy sailors too. We received this from Kaylene Nicoll and wanted to share it all with you, "John. Just a quick note to say thank you very much for all your updates on the race. My hubby (Chris) is on the 51st Project and has obviously done it tuff with all those roasts!!! Regards Kaylene Nicoll".

Firstly Kaylene, it is our absolute pleasure and thank you very much for making the effort to let us know what you're getting from the site. That's great. Secondly. You are not wrong. Check these images out....


Chris and Peewee serving roast.. home made gravy... not without its challenges, at about 120 degree wind angle... (Rolly Polly not bouncy castle)


Finished product.


As they went past Ile Mare (Sea Island) also known as La Roche, as per below.


The 51st Project crew is Phil Coombs, Cheryl Coombs, Peter Walsh (Pee Wee), Graeme Smith (He of the Loud Shorts), Chris Nicoll, Lex O'Connor (Lexxie/Lutha), Tim Bilham and Zoe Freeman (and they forgot Rex the SatCom dome - don't you forget our caption contest, which you can read about HERE). In addition to be well-credentialled sailors, they are riot. Look at these notes:

"Saw a sunken object late yesterday afternoon and issued a Securite warning to all craft... Just missed it by a boat length in 4,000 metres of water! A reminder of potential things that go bump in the night...."

"The second Securite warning that should be issued to all craft ........ Now that we have finished grading the Pacific Ocean with our ocean grader (their Beneteau First50), it will be safe for any vessel to enter.... should be nice and flat for all concerned.... ha ha ha".


More soon...

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow and Simon Dryden






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TasmanChief 2010_M2V_51stIleMare

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Mirrabooka's Retirement.

2010 M2V Rcae Director, Bob Tanner spoke with Lyn Bingham, wife of Skipper, David Bingham, after she had taken a call from David, just as they arrived into Noumea. The issue revolves around a broken chainplate support. The chainplates are the stainless steel plates that take the load from the rig above deck, into the ringframes or ribs of the boat below deck and subsequently into the keelbox, so that all the forces are squared off against each other and not into just the boat's structure alone. They aim to it all repaired ASAP, so they can get on to Port Vila and collect their cruising gear. As mentioned yesterday (Wednesday), after the 1630sked when the issue was revealed, all the crew are fine and the rest of the boat is AOK. We feel desperately sorry for them, as to be so close and then to suffer this, must be shattering.


Mirrabooka along Cheviot Beach on July 4, 2010. Pic © Teri Dodds.

More soon...

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow and Simon Dryden






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TasmanChief M2V2010-589

ORCV Melbourne to Vanuatu (M2V)

Turbo Crosses Finish Line.

Turbo crossed the line in Port Vila at 12:11:33 AEST. "We're All OK and really delighted with the result", said Skipper, Bill feore. As well they should be too. IRC and PHS in the bag. M2V Race Director, Bob Tanner, was also thrilled. "They've sailed magnificently and it is such a good result for them. Bill Feore has been ocean racing and cruising in a succession of boats since the 1970's. There was Pur Sang (Savage 42), Fantasea (Adams Carina 44) and currently Turbo (Adams 11.9). You'll see his name mentioned regularly in Westcoaster (M2HW) and Melbourne to Devonport results during the 80's. In the early 1990's, he and wife Barb, took their young family around the world on board Fantasea, which they sold on return to Melbourne, subsequently purchasing Turbo, to use in club and offshore racing. In 2003, Bill and Kim Girdler (one of the 2010 M2V crew) competed in the Melbourne to Osaka Two-Handed Race, which was the same race George Shaw and Robyn Brooke did with BOOTS (By Order of The Secretary, george's previous boat). Turbo pipped The Secretary at the post to win Line Honours and IRC in the 2008 Melbourne to Launceston (M2L) race for the prestigious Rudder Cup, which is the oldest ocean race in Australia and fifth oldest around the globe."


Turbo - well done crew. Well done. Turbo was designed by Joe Adams and has a new keel by Graham Radford. Pic © Steb Fisher.

More soon...

Please remember, that if you want to find out where everyone is in the chase for the container of humanitarian aid that APC Logistics sent to Vanuatu for us, then please go HERE. Sked times are 4.30am and pm EST.



By John Curnow






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TasmanChief H602M2V10-IV092

orcv logo reversed

3 Aquatic Drive, Albert Park VIC 3206 Ph. 0493 102 744 E. orcv@orcv.org.au